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Sweet, Outgoing, humorous, real, strong, gorgeous. Sierra is a big hearted blue eyed beauty. She extends her hand to whoever may need it often to forgiving and tries to find the best in everyone which leaves her hurt. Nice body and even greater butt. Insults people with the truth, Very short tempered and has an attitude. Knows how to defend herself and those who mean the most to her. Gaurenteed an amazing time with her. Very subborn and hard headed. Usually endures some of the worst situations and comes out smiling. Knows how to love a man. Wife material and great in bed not quick to give it up . One of the few white girls that can dance, gets along with almost anyone. Gives great advice because she speaks from her heart. If your given the chance don't loose her she's a keeper

I need to go talk to Sierra

I miss my ex Sierra she was a keeper

by Ajaisheoysgbaiyfg October 31, 2013

219๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most beautiful girl in the world\and has beautiful eyes. Also Is Amazing

Sierra a princess

by Swaggkid02 March 26, 2013

384๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sierras are one of the kind! They like to game on an xbox or ps3 and will always be competitive towards it! Sierra's have awesome butts and awesome bodies! A lot are blondies but there are some brunettes too! They are as cute as a peach and as sexy as a model! Sierras are super smart and super kind! They care for others and will always stick up for themselves and others if they need it! Sierras are innocent inside and out. They are very athletic and are undefeatable at almost all sports! They can sing a little and are musicians! They play some sort of instrument and are awesome at it! Sierras may not have a very high self-esteem since they don't believe they are attractive when in reality they are beyond it! Sierras love it when boys say "awwwwe", laugh, sing to them, bite their lower lip, are funny, and tease them quite a bit! If you had had a Sierra in your grasp, well, you should've kept her since she's as rare as anything! Try to give them compliments if you want to see their dazzling smiles! Sierras will always compliment you back and will be grateful for the compliment! Sierras try to love everyone and realize everyone has their kinks! They are confident fun loving girls that will always have their loved one's backs!

Man, Sierras got the full package, great body, sweet as candy, as sexy as a Lamborghini, and as funny as a clown!

Guy: I'm tired of all of these fake girls!

Person: What you need is a Sierra!

by NachoLibre_Lover October 26, 2013

271๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


a athletic girl who loves to be chill , she will be there when you need her . some people may hate her because there jelous . Sierra has real beautiful eyes and a nice body . any guy will be lucky to have her , but watch out she takes thing personal

"sierra has some fine ass eyes but her body though"

by love game April 26, 2014

217๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


sierra is an athletic girl who is self conscious about her body when in reality it's attractive. she feels ugly because no man likes her but as she matures in life she will be very popular with the boys. she has only a few very close friends but the ones she does have will last a lifetime. also she's smart as hell, and all these bitches that think otherwise be trippin...

Who's that hot girl over there?

Oh thats Sierra, go hit her up, she's chill af

by real_Hams December 16, 2015

67๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who's a breath of fresh air. She's care-free and doesn't let what other people say affect her. You'll always have fun with her and you won't want to be without her. She has a great sense of humor and she's weird but she's herself. Your jokes can always make her smile and she'll always stick up for you. She loves great music and appreciates a man with talent. Get with a Sierra and you'll never regret it.

Perosn 1- "Last night I saw a girl throwing water balloons at passing cars."

Person 2- "Must've been Sierra."

by dfjasgv5794 May 28, 2011

218๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sierra is an awesome girl who is always there for her friends. She is freaking gorgeous, and all the guys secretly want her. She doesn't care for relationships, but if she does open up to you, you better never let her go because you'll never find another like her. Her ex's usually regret letting her go, and constantly try to become friends with her again. She's extremely athletic and is good at pretty much all the sports and has an amazing body. Her legs or her butt are usually her best feature. She loves going out with her girls and having a good time. Sierra's can be shy at first, but get to know her and you're guaranteed to have a great time when you're with her. Sierra's are extremely smart, with their strong subject being either history or math. Sierra's stand up for what they believe in, and aren't afraid to fight for their beliefs. Sierra's are amazing girls, that everyone wants to be friends with. As they should.

I know, Sierra is my best friend! Everyone is friends with her..

by Asirsvsgeofn July 27, 2011

442๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž