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Cis straight singaporean male

A really masculine and horribly straight man who, when another man of the same breed is within 2 feet away from them, instantly turns gay. This can be exhibited with behaviors such as slapping each others ass, carrying each other, nearly making out and flirtatious advances.

They can often be seen saying slurs, making fun of “woke sjws” and harassing others when out of gay mode however, so do take caution where necessary. Thankfully, most of them are non-threatening due to their lanky physique and overall incompetence.

A cis straight singaporean male can be easily identified with some or all of the following features: his oversized shirt, earrings, permed hair, all black clothing (unless wearing an obs shirt), black painted nails (unless deemed homosexual by the individual) and slides.

It should be noted that this term does not apply to every literal cis straight Singaporean male, but it applies to a large population who exhibit these specific characteristics.

Person 1: Yo did you see Aloysius?

Person 2: yea he was in the lab pining James to the wall… hes definitely a Cis straight singaporean male!

by Tiredd January 4, 2022

7👍 10👎


A bunch of people who born and come from an island but is so self entitled and petty, they are known for 3 things:
First they will argue for some matter that no one gives a shit.

Second they will absorb all the daily life and contradiction internally and come up with a solution that doomed to fail

Third they will be like mosquitoes and keep whining until they get what they want or get beaten

Jack: I don't what happened to Rose, it seems she gives too much shit about other people and keep complaining the small matters in life

Michael: OMG! You gonna stay away from this one man, she sounds like such a Singaporean and will consume your life!

by theSGPigeon November 1, 2023

Singaporean snakehead

Singaporean snakehead is an act conducted by multiple Singaporean males simultaneously forming a line and giving each other head.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the door to a Singaporean snakehead

by Werdguy August 16, 2024