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Slap ass Friday

Slap ass Friday first originated from schools in Washington state, Basically any Friday of the year teens/kids/classmates will roam the hallways slapping any ass they see while saying "Slap ass Friday!" Generally guys will make this as an excuse to slap women's asses. Girls can slap guy's asses too, girls can slap girls asses, guys can slap guys asses. This Friday has been going on for seven years.

Guy: *slaps girl's ass*
Guy: "slap ass Friday!"
Girl: "you fucking jerk! Hmm well I guess it's okay cuz it's Friday

by OmareBeach July 18, 2016

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Slap ass Friday

Slap ass Friday shouldn't be real, It's sexual assault.

If anyone is touching you talk to someone you trust.

Kids, never do this please. This is sexual assault.

Person 1: "Hey! It's slap ass Friday and you know what that means!"

Person 2: "You know, you're just going to sexually assault someone you weirdo. I suggest you don't do it."

Person 1: "Oh sorry, I didn't know, my apologies.

Person 2: "Yeah you better be sorry weirdo."

by March 25, 2021

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National Slap Ass Friday

NATIONAL SLAP ASS FRIDAY Is on every Friday girls and boys go around and slap as many asses as possible!!!

Boy: slap

Girls: why did u slap my ass

by TikTok: BlueFace mini/ Kyler October 17, 2019

Ass Slap Friday

A misogynistic game used to have an excuse for men to slap womenโ€™s asses.

Girl 1: โ€œUgh, is it Ass Slap Friday again?โ€
Girl 2: โ€œWell, I guess Iโ€™m a part of the 97% now.โ€

by K. Nicky April 15, 2021

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Ass Slap Friday

Every Friday is Ass Slap Friday so feel free to slap peopleโ€™s ass and spread the word!

Kaeden: Hey you guys, itโ€™s Ass Slap Friday.. you know what that means๐Ÿ˜

by _dumb_dumb_boi_ December 22, 2019

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ass slap friday

Friday is the day where you are allowed to slap anyone's ass especially if they are wearing leggings, yoga pants, spandex, etc

On ass slap Friday he walked past 10 girls and slapped their ass

by The wizard696969 February 21, 2014

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Slap ass friday

Slap as many ass's as possible on Friday Feb fith

*moans* how dare you its not even slap ass Friday๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

by Slapper of ass February 4, 2021