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Man of action, leader, ultra-cool dude. Once upon a time long long ago a man was born unto a woman. This man was Soda and the world stood still for him.

Hi can I order a small Soda?... I'm sorry but Soda only come in XX-large.

by TheXchair April 12, 2005

69πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž


Japanese Description: β€œThat’s right” in Japanese

English Description: Something that makes any meal perfect according to Ronald McDonald

Japanese Person 1: β€œYou were the one that took the time out of their day to make this?”
Japanese Person 2: β€œSoda”

Drive thru Person: β€œAnything else with the meal tonight?”
Person: β€œCan I get a soda with that please?”

by Stinky Potato June 5, 2021

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Carbonated goodness that gives you asophagus cancer (True) how ever you spell asophagus.

dont drink to much or like i saiid ull get asophagus cancer

by corey harders August 5, 2005

20πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Soda is what the south calls pop, pop is what the north calls soft drinks.

Northerner - I need a soda
Better northerner - TRAITOR!

by Toe Nail November 21, 2006

8πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


a name for a soft drink, and a stupid one at that. mostly used in the north east, areas of California, New Mexico, and the sad state of Pennsylvania.

Kelly: I'm craving a soda right now
Ray: you mean pop?
Kelly: no, i mean soda
Ray: ahhh, i forgot, you're from philly. you retards call it soda.
Kelly: we cant help it, its in our DNA to be retarded and call pop "soda"

by dotrayb October 13, 2011

6πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Used in Australia to describe a really easy sporting opportunity which has then been completely fucked up.

In cricket this is usually a dropped catch. The same applies to a dropping a mark in Australian Rules football, and it can also be a goal that is missed from very close range.

Also known as a sitter, gimme or dolly.

Give yourself an uppercut mate, you just missed a soda.

Last Saturday I dropped a fucking soda in slips and we lost by 1 wicket.

by Choda Boy 57 June 24, 2007

190πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


Sodaness or SODANESS is used to refer to a vampire girl by the name of soda.

beware of the sodaness she bites.

by whitewolfaaaa December 15, 2007

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž