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Beautiful people, who happen to be a race...don't call them black. You will get attacked!

"I am Somali, not black... because I am good looking duh"

by Bunny573 May 15, 2007

647๐Ÿ‘ 984๐Ÿ‘Ž


Beautiful East Africans who are tall, vary from extremely light - dark skinned. Wavy Hair or Curly Hair. High Superiority Complex and do not group them selves as black,They are sometimes confused as brazilians or west indian. Somali's are of arab/african descent. Somali's are NOT BLACK, they are SOMALI you can argue and say yes they are. but fuck no we are not blacks. we have caucasian and arab features.


White girl: What do you think that girl walking by is ?

White girl2: I dont know probably west indian lets go ask her

white girls : hey we couldnt figure out what you were what are you ?

Somali girl : Im Somali

by reer-afgoye May 15, 2009

424๐Ÿ‘ 741๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun: Tall, Skinny, Handsome, Intelligent, Mercentile, Fearless people from the Horn of Africa.

Synonyms: Black Hawk Down

Hitler was actually a Somali with vitiligo.

by Hitlers somali bastard son November 20, 2020

22๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tall, skinny, curly

-haired people. Inhabitants of the horn of Africa and are cushite. Beautiful women, just their country is not at it's best right now. :(

Somalis speak chinese and indian

by Somali fella January 28, 2020

12๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somalis are an ethnic group that is indigenous to the Horn of Africa. They are a prehistoric mix of ancient North Africans (Afro-Asiatic) & Nilo-Saharans (Proto-Nilotes). They are beautiful/handsome people with dark reddish brown-skin, full lips, straight or aquiline noses, & straight, wavy, curly, or kinky hair. Ethnic Somalis are NOT Arabs they are Cushites who are indigenous East Africans. They are also pastoralists with rich ancient history.

Barkhad Cabdi, Iman Abdulmajid, Farmaajo, Amaal Nuux, & Ilhan Omar are all ethnic Somalis.

by Soomaaliya August 16, 2020

54๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Africans who make good food.

"Yo Halima, cook up some Anjera for me abaiyo"

by -------------------------------------------------------------------- March 21, 2005

650๐Ÿ‘ 770๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person from Somalia who his or her ethnic group is Somali.
Somalis are a mix of africans , ancient egyptians and arabs.
Their language is Somali a cushitic language.
It is related to languages such as Hebrew , Arabic , Amhara , Berber.

A somali men , A somali girl , A somali leader.He speaks somali

by Abdul March 19, 2005

755๐Ÿ‘ 918๐Ÿ‘Ž