Source Code

soulless sam

this is when the character sam winchester was soulless.

this happened in the show 'supernatural' after sams fight with lucifer and he threw himself, lucifer and michael into the pit

he was also a whore

'hey, who was that hot guy on tv?'
'oh, you mean soulless sam winchester?'

by ilovesamwinchester April 7, 2023

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Soulless people

Soulless people…aka trick ruses … (plagiarists –> 11th Floor <– PWNED ) …

…. are ….. corrupted with garbage corrupted knowledge and

are shacking up with the Devil…HELL BOUND….

Devil’s Thrown Devil’s Thrown Hello to shack up with ruse 11th Floor

06/06/06 six six six Ruse World

Soulless people – trick ruses --- 11th Floor --- are gonna get burned by the silent ruse…..!!!!

by blthrskt November 30, 2009

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Soulless Stuffed Animal

The act of a pet ripping out all the stuffing from a stuffed animal, leaving the outside skin left behind.

Ripping open a stuffed animal to get to the squeaker inside, leaving the stuffing splattered around the now empty body.

soulless stuffed animal:
"dude what is with the soulless stuffed animal over there?"
"I think my dog was contracted by the devil or something to rip out everything they consist of and eat there little squeaker hearts..."
"Do you think the squeaks are stuffed animal screams..."

by Stuffed Animal Gag Order December 3, 2010

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Soulless Piece Of Shite

One less than reputable character who is without a soul because he/she has slain a Unicorn.

Voldemort is a soulless piece of shite.

by The Friendly Unicorn. May 16, 2010

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Soulless Child of the night

A Soulless Child of the night is another name for a ginger, reffering to the fact that they cannot go out into the sun for fear of burning their pale skin, and that they have no souls.

Ginger: Whats a Soulless Child of the night?
everyone who isnt a ginger: you are idiot.

by Endeavourpride November 6, 2011

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soulless point monger

One who asks really stupid questions in AP Chemistry and gets on my nerves. AHHHHHHHH. Disgusting people. They sit there and discuss the functions of TI-89s and -83s and when the teach gives them a dumb look and a sarcastic answer they take him seriously, thinking he is trying to explain somethign to them. They think they deserve to go to Stanford or Harvard or Princeton when they really don't deserve to get into American Intercontinental online college. They don't understand that school is about learning and not about getting points. I mean who the hell gives out points in the real world. Honestly, when these people get a job and there boss says good job, they will look back with a dumbass grin and ask, "Would I have deserved an A." These people sicken me.

You soulless point monger. Get out of my sight.

"My TI-89 does integration"

by Die_Tasse February 9, 2005

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Soulless abomination from the nethervoid

A dark horrid creature from the darkest abyss of hell, usually began their life being baptized in a sea of holy fire. These dark creatures walk our earth feasting on the dicks of the deceased, and on rare occasions living as well.

Little is known about them, they have been known to disguise themselves as 14-18 year old African-american/italian mixed male.

Josh: "Hey johnny wanna go hang out with mike?"

Johnny: "Hell no! Didn't you hear? He's a soulless abomination from the nethervoid

Josh: "Oh no! Hide your dick!

by catshitminkeywhoreloljk October 23, 2011

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