Source Code


It is a variation of the stranger. Except instead of just numbing your hands, you also numb your penis, giving a truly existential experience for yourself.

Wow..... I just pulled off the spectator.

What is the meaning of life right now........

by The Moment August 18, 2011

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The acting of giving oneself a reverse stranger and a stranger at same time with the intention of not being able to feel both the yourself getting beat off and yourself beating off.

Dwayne: Why the fuck would Tim give himself a reverse stranger? Why doesn't he just give you a stranger?

Me: Dude, its cause my gay ass likes doing spectators.

by GG_GB October 10, 2008

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The Great Spectator

The master of the Undermap and it's third level. He was once Derf's best friend but then stole the secret to winning The Game, therefore giving him great power but making him an obvious jackass so Derf kicked him out of the Emerald Arcade. The Great Spectator then created his own realm to rule where all people go if they are killed in a game after doing something such as ninja looting or screen looking and they have to pass through the 3 Red Rings of the Undermap and endure it's trials then get kicked out with another chance, but, if you are a supreme jackass in life, after you die ,depending on how bad of a jackass you were, you get sent to one of the Red Rings. You could even get sent to the secret 4th Ring (where you'll get pwned by the Great Spectator) if you're bad enough. Through this he now serves a purpose and, his jackass status revoked, him and Derf now hang out again and is actually a pretty cool inter-dimensional being.

Player 1: 0h! pwn3d n00b!
Player 2: but dude you screen looked!
Player 1: and n00b n00bi3 n00b3r5on?
Player 2: (Shoots Player 1 in the face)
(the Great Spectator floats up from the Undermap)
The Great Spectator: come with me jackass!
Player 1: NOOOOOO!!!!! (noclips into the Undermap)
Player 2: woohoo!! thank you Great Spectator!

by Derf's Prophet September 28, 2009

Spectator Shoes

Two tone dress shoes from the 1920's-1950's. Usually black and white or brown and white. Resemble current bowling shoes and some golf shoes.

Nice Spectators!
Ya dig? I got 'em from the 5 & Dime!

by Eric R. April 25, 2005

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Spectator Bias

Biases that originate from an individual that is not particularly involved within an activity and is only observing from a far. The 'spectator' becomes observant and more critical of certain details as they are only analyzing and is not under any pressure to preform unlike the person involved in the activity. Therefore, if the spectator is placed within a different environment, he or she would not be able to pick up on certain details unlike the observant position. This is a more generalized term, similar to Backseat gaming.

People watching sports through television is subjected to spectator bias as they are not under the pressure of the situation.

by Tsubinaru April 17, 2021


When you're surfing the internet, and your nosey co-workers comment on your "not working".

My co-workers here are always work spectating. I was shooting off a quick email to my husband in Iraq and they are always saying I'm not doing my workload! Funny, they are too busy seeing what everyone else is doing and NOT doing their work!!

by N-GIRL January 19, 2009

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magnus frater te spectat

Big brother is watching you, in the Latin language.

If you're thinking about destroying the USA, Israel, the UK, and Russia with bombs, nukes, and CBW weapons, forget about it---we've got your number. Magnus frater te spectat!

by pentozali September 26, 2010

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