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stan twitter

people who spread more awareness during a time of anger and injustice than billionaires and influencers, oh and they’re probably either gay or depressed.

wow i can’t believe literal teenagers on stan twitter are doing more for BLM than widely popular celebrities with giant influences.

by cloudykindnes June 1, 2020

209πŸ‘ 336πŸ‘Ž

stan twitter

full of jobless fads who constantly hate and stalk successful artists 24/7 they supposedly "hate/anti"

Chart data: "BTS is the most streamed group in 2021"
stan twitter: "they tanked" "payola"

by taes_KINDSS September 5, 2022

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Stan Twitter

people mostly teenagers who spread awareness during a time of anger and injustice more than billionaires and influencers

they're smart and educated they probably own a stan twitter account.

by mimosa11 May 31, 2020

127πŸ‘ 276πŸ‘Ž

Stan Twitter

Typically a bunch on teenagers trying to get noticed by their favorites such as one direction. But in 2020 stan twitter seem to be the only people on twitter standing up for BLM and starting the revolution. They are fantasizing over ANON which is the biggest hacker group known, yet they are giving them pet names.

did you hear about stan twitter
yeah... they're crushing on anon again

by hoeforharold May 31, 2020

87πŸ‘ 186πŸ‘Ž

stan twitter

A twitter group of people who are extremely jobless and slanders musicians, artists, models, influencers, etc. They are mostly annoying and do nothing but drag celebrities like Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian-West.

most common stan twitter phrases such as:

"ended Nicki Minaj"
"Adele tanked"
"oh it's over for Ariola"
"she tanked
she = Demi"

and more....

That stan twitter account is so stupid. They stan Jesy Nelson by the way.

by doja cat was here June 30, 2022

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

stan twitter

stan twitter is the nicest and least toxic part of twitter and the entire internet. there, everyone gets along and there are no arguments between fandoms.

besides bts twitter, stan twitter is great!

by olivia bensonola December 23, 2021

10πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

stan twitter

people who spread more awareness during a time of anger and injustice more than billionaires and influencers

person1; wow have you seen stan twitter recently

person2; yeah I have all fandoms have come together to raise awareness for black lives matter more than any billionaire

by bingbingbong June 1, 2020

6πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž