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stepford fags

A gay couple who are nice, sexless and nonthreatening. Typically they live in the suburbs, have an immaculate house and yard and don't scare the neighbors while they are in fact just as much a slave to heterosexual establishment as everyone else.

neighbor 1: Did you invite the Stepford Fags to the BBQ?

neighbor 2: Naw the wife did.

neighbor 1: Great! They can talk up the women while we put down a few beers.

by james savik April 24, 2008

115πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Stepford Syndrome

When males hold on to the idea that the woman is meant to be in perfect condition, does what she is told, does not use the bathroom, and always looks her best.

My boyfriend suffers from stepford syndrome. He refuses to believe that I or any woman for that matter, take a shit.

by ETPH May 22, 2011

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Stepford Fan

Someone who thinks that their favorite team does no wrong no matter what and will never criticize their team under any circumstance.

Never try to argue with Tom about the Knicks. He's too much of a Stepford Fan to have a logical discussion about them.

by Rockhound6165 December 20, 2008

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

stepford child

Pre-programmed, lacking authenticity.
This term is borrowed from the fictional suburb of Stepford, Connecticut in Ira Levin's 1972 novel, The Stepford Wives, later made into movies (in 1975 and 2004).

Society replaces its children with attractive robotic dolls devoid of emotion or thought.

1.) She's such a stepford child, she will do anything her parents tell her to do.

2.) I just got back from the mall, the stepford children are all buying the same clothes.

by SLim de Marko December 14, 2015

Stepford Whore

A female (or male) who is so wrapped up in someone else that they will submit to any sexual deviant act the object of their affection desires; including but not limited to threesomes, swapping, and orgies.

"Can you believe she had a threesome with him last night? She's not even dating him and she's become his Stepford Whore!"

by Kris B. March 26, 2008

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Stepford Fag

A "stepford fag" is a gay man who wishes to get married, have kids, and live in a more traditional β€˜heterosexual’ community.

Some people use the term to refer to gay men they believe are living an imitation heterosexual lifestyle.

First man: "You know Brain Kinney?"

Second man: "Yeah- that wild guy who used to party all night, haven’t seen him around for a while."

First Man: β€œNot surprising. Heard he’s settled down and got married.”

Second Man: β€œNever thought he was a stepford fag.”

by Bryan Kent February 5, 2011

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Stepford wife

An obedient unquestioning individual of either gender, usually in a high-ranking position at a multinational office (e.g. politics). Based on the 1972 novel of the identical title, this use of the term moves beyond the "cult of domesticity" and expands as far as the public / political arena.

In this government, a strong independent representative is very much frowned upon, but a Stepford wife lasts for the entire term.

by ReverseHaloEffect November 5, 2020

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