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Irish Storytelling

An aimless, meandering, stream-of-consciousness narrative form rife with circumstantial details that ultimately dominate the principal plot and serve as jarring segues between thematically unrelated acts.

Person A: Hey man, whats up?
Person B: My life is so tragic. This one time I went fishing with my dad all day and we didn't catch a fish between us and then I pissed my pants. Then I saw an octopus."
A: That story was all over the place!

B: No it wasn't. I did eat a chocolate bar too.
A: Nigga, you are great at Irish Storytelling.

by Dr Auts April 11, 2015

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African thigh-slapping storytelling

Part of African culture that hands down stories from one generation to the next that involves melodic thigh slapping.

My grandfather went for hours with African thigh-slapping storytelling. I hate being black.

by nostradamnus January 25, 2011

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Brand Storyteller

A brand storytelling is a person who uses emotional narratives to do nothing.

“Oh, brand storyteller? Nice so what’s it about?”
- You see this bar?
- Yes
- Do you want a drink?

by Realdictionaryman August 27, 2023

Technological Integrated Storytelling (or T.I.S.)

Technological Integrated Storytelling (or T.I.S.) is the process of storytelling through multiple screens. In order to get the full story the audience is required to to watch various devices such as a TV, computer and or phone etc.

Because today's youth is so electronically advanced, Technological Integrated Storytelling (or T.I.S.) is a modern approach to teaching.

by Jacamo's Dad December 31, 2016

Spoonfed storytelling

Writing or scripting that feels the incessant need to over-explain everything to the viewer, even obvious things. It's most prevalent in poorly made modern movies from 2000 onward. It implies that studios believe audiences are so dumb that they won't be able to follow a complex story.

Damn, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was godawful. The special effects were cool but the spoonfed storytelling was insulting.

by MovieManiacX April 7, 2015

Dynamic Storytelling

The art of crafting and communicating stories that inspire and empower others to act in a meaningful way.

Sarah was inspired to plant her own neighborhood garden through the dynamic storytelling of the horticulturist.

by Folktellers March 1, 2020


Harshnoise-Storytelling is a genre of music created in 2018 by Québécois music producer Alexandre Cubaynes on Soundcloud for his debut album Tape I.

It's caracteristics are overgained vocals of a copypasta and greentext theme and ripped off background music.
None is sure wether this genre subscribes to ironic memes or deeply sincere performance.

"hey bro, do you know that old school Navy SEAL gorilla warfare copypasta?"
"Yeah man, Alexandre Cubaynes made a harshnoise storytelling track on his Soundcloud!"

by Big Bestro Boi January 18, 2019