Source Code


According to dictionary dot com:

"stu·dent n.

One who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university."

A person of any age, starting from 17/18. Can continue to be named a student for a number of years after they graduate.

Someone who has left school, and moved on to the freedom of life without parents control, much time is spent watching daytime television, drinking alcohol (day and night) sleeping until 4, staying up after a night out until after dawn. Many students enjoy drinking games and sourcing the cheapest alcohol available in the cheaper establishments in the town.

Generally speaking, student days are when many have the largest disposable income of their life, large companies are willing to give students large amounts of money to fund their student days, much of this is spent on alcohol consumption. And beans.

Parents send children off to university in the hopes that they study under the belief that they will attend every lecture they have signed up to and take part in responsible drinking. In reality, a student arrives at university, commences drinking, continues to do so until drunk, following this, drinks some more, then upon waking up the following morning with a hangover attends lectures only occasionally in the following 3/4 years.

John's a student, he has no time for a job, he spends it all drinking.

James has no money... he's a student.

Paul and Mary were so proud of their daughter Jane at university, however every time they called, she slurred "I'm studying, I'll call you when I'm sober.. I mean, about to tuck in for the night, since I've got a lecture at nine in the morning"

by electric-socks May 28, 2006

43👍 25👎


To study for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 3 weeks per year with no pay

I, a student. I have work hours. NO PAY???

by nkjyang April 2, 2015

5👍 1👎


n. 1. One who pretends to study but either fails to complete assignments or fails turn the assignments in. 2. A lazy person who blames others for his or her "stolen" work. 3. A person who expects grades to be given to him or her because he or she cannot fail since he or she is an athlete. 4. A person who fails scholastically due to not turning in work and who's parent(s) enable his or her lack of work ethic by creating excuses for him or her. 5. (obsolete) A person who turns in each assignment and succeeds scholastically due to hard work, conscientiousness, and parents who have high expectations.

That kid is so lazy that it's obvious he's a student.

Her parents find an excuse for her to do what ever she wants because she is a student.

If he wasn't such a student, he wouldn't be such a failure.

She is a good student, and I mean that in the obsolete sense of the word.

by TamiLynn April 5, 2011

18👍 9👎


A stressed, anxious, and depressed person. They are usually young, but occasionally a person decides to continue being a student at an older age.

"Why is he laying down on the road?"
"Oh, that's Mark. He's a student."

by BananaMocha December 4, 2021


What unemployed females who are still bottomfeeding off of their parents put as their “Job Title” on their dating profile because it sounds better than saying “unemployed”

Job Title: Student at Student

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 November 26, 2022

15👍 10👎


The workers who are somewhat insane when you write until your hands are cramped and hate speaking with the Assignment . They worship Summer.

Student 1 : Hello my fellow student
Student 2: Hello.

by 6th Grader Teacher September 29, 2020


A term for Broke/Poor/Got no money bro.

feeds on noodles and 80p chewits (see poor person)

when given money, it is often spent on alcohol and 50p notepads

(refer to broke bruh-oak)

"Can I have £10 for Gas?"
"I'm Sorry, I'm a Student"

by studentpotnoodle May 3, 2016