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Chepa Sucio

Spanish for Stinky Pussy, often the result of a woman wearing leather pants. Always the result of poor personal hygiene.
Common amungst office staff with very bad personal hygiene

Mike- Today I was in the office and something smelled horrible, like ass only very dirty ass.
Jerry- Oh thats just the Chepa Sucio, she really stinks today, I love it!

by Doogie Robertson February 10, 2008

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Blankito Sucio

(N.) A dirty white man. A guy that thinks he knows everything.
He plays dirty and gets dirty. He loves to instigate problems. And loves to be right even though usually,he is not.
He like to be involved in"white social clubs" such as the klan. He is what you would call dirty just by the way he dresses.

1: look at that blankito sucio... I think he might lynch me β€Ή(─━¸─━ )β€Ί

by puertorockka2010 September 1, 2008

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super sucio

The act of completing anal sex, followed by wiping ones penis on the curtain after completion and finally on the way out the door kicking their cat.

I had to take Oliver to the vet today, it appears that he has several cracked ribs due to me getting super sucioed the other day.

by Stephen Howson March 13, 2019

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besos en el siempre sucio

a kiss on the rectum or anus
un beso en el ano/recto

"besos en el siempre sucio ;)"

by hi damian ;) July 13, 2022

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Charlie Sucio

Maneuver- When a dude named charlie (or not) has not had sex, showered or taken a dump in a year and unloads everything that can possibly come out of his body onto a suspecting (or unsuspecting female (or male).

Typically occurring in the shower or on a bed with plastic sheets for easy clean up. Otherwise the cleaning crew will be pissed of and charge an additional fee.

History - This maneuver started in war torn Eastern Europe in 1936 however its popularity has recently resurfaced in the Barbary Coast of San Francisco.

Man, what happened to this room? Somebody must have busted out the Charlie Sucio on some chick. Call hazmat!

by Zig Nasty July 15, 2010