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Gordon Sumner is the legendary frontman of the band the police

Yo dude, Gordon Sumner and the Police rock!

by jacobc September 9, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of buying an item out from under someone who had a cash purchase deal pending.

I was trying to buy the cordless drill from Dan when Pete Jr. stepped in and sumnered me.

by SugarShackCowboy August 7, 2014

Sumner Redstone

He is 82, so he is going to die soon.

WE HATE Sumner Redstone

by SpaceMan++ July 14, 2008

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sumner redstone

Pseudonym used by Murray Rothstein. Mr. Rothstein is a Jew and is the boss of Viacom corporation, which owns MTV.

Sumner redstone is the boss of Viacom.

by Ding Dong January 1, 2004

195๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sumner Burstyn

To commit a Sumner Burstyn

Like kicking a hornets nest or someone when they are dead.

New Zealand Slang.

To create social networking suicide
To be selfish and evil to other human beings

Background: this originates from Sumner Burstyn's disgraceful remarks on her facebook page with sparked hate pages after her comment about a recently fallen NZ Soldier.

Barbara Sumner-Burstyn posted the comments on Facebook, apparently after reading reports of 26-year-old Lance Cpl. Jacinda Baker's death in Afghanistan.
"Oh so fallen soldier Jacinda Baker liked boxing and baking - did they forget she also like invading countries we are not at war with, killing innocent people and had no moral compass," Sumner-Burstyn wrote.

This whole event saw unprecedednted response and a facebook created generated 25,000 members in 24 hours.

Sumner Burstyn has become one of New Zealand's most reviled people and has had to change her name for the 8th time.

New Zealand slang
Don't do a Sumner Burstyn you will commit social netowrk suicide.

That's almost as bad as a Sumner Burstyn be careful what you say

by Sir Tristram August 30, 2012

25๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Clark Sumner

The best person in the history of the world ever.
And he will be my husband and we will have babies. :)

"Woah, that guy over there is a real Clark Sumner!

by llamaloverDUCKFUK August 2, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

shane sumner

Lead guitarist for English band Fearless Vampire Killers. Designs the band's artwork and merchandise. Also known as Cyrus Barrone.

Shane Sumner is really good at playing guitar and drawing.

by FrankToMyGerard January 1, 2015