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TJ, or Sunrise if you will, is a child who has committed many felonies, and likes to expose his friends at any chance he gets. Just for no reason. All of his friends make fun of him because of this.

T.J has tried to expose me once again

by ItsMayday October 19, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


TJ's are quiet, humble, hardworking and faithful. He is a hard-working man who loves the outdoors. As a friend, he will do anything to help, but he does it without being asked. He is always the perfect gentleman. He is very smart, but he doesn't need to prove it. To know a TJ is to have known a man with a servant's heart. He is very quiet and humble, so he will not do much in the way of self promotion to get your attention, but when you meet him, you'll know that he has many layers and you can't help but want to relish in all that he is. He is a quiet charmer who doesn't win your heart by buying you things or using empty words of flattery, instead he quietly listens to your conversations and just when you aren't expecting it, he does something to make your life easier and more beautiful. He loves with acts of servitude. He freely gives the kind of love that every woman dreams of, but seldom ever find. He doesn't give his love to gain anything in return, he simply loves because it is just who he is. As a lover he is never self seeking and loves a woman for all that she has to offer; relishing in his woman is what gives him satisfaction. He is gentle, tender and self sacrificing. He is sexy, but doesn't know it. His eyes, melt you, penetrating your psyche; because when he looks at you, he looks beyond your surface and into your soul. His smell is infectious. Quite simply he is everything a woman wants and needs. He is amazing!

My heart lost all hope until he found me....He is my T.J.!

I love you....those three words have my whole life in them....T.J.

by evidenceofyou November 16, 2011

573๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fantastically sweet and handsome man. one that will drop everything to help you. very protective, strong, and wise-minded. synonymous with the words wisdom, integrity, classiness, and one-of-a-kind. to be strangely appealing and desirable.

Billy: are you sure this lad will be a good for the college kids?

Chris: definitely. i can tell this one is a total T.J.

by mjoy10 February 4, 2010

600๐Ÿ‘ 313๐Ÿ‘Ž


T.J. is a cocky handsome popular person he is most the time athletic and is liked by most girls. he is very athletic

and will probably end up as a millionaire.

Aye that's T.J. bro!!!

by OfficialTDJ February 19, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fighter. He stands up for what he believes in. Is one of the strongest guys I know. Has a beautiful wife. Has a wonderful set of kids, but not much of a family. Except for a few. He can lead when he needs to but mostly tends to himself. Smart, funny, sometimes loud, sometimes dead quiet. A friend, a son, a brother, a husband , and a fighter till the end.

T.J. is the one you call when you have a problem.

by Validation November 23, 2021


A egotisctical bastard who thinks of nothing but getting some action, having a girlfriend at all times, and getting laid. Unaware of his idiocracy he will do ANYTHING to get into your mind, your heart, and your pants. Thinking he has uber stealth skills, he attempts to date and ask out several girls (whom are friends) at a time, unaware that these girls often talk to each other, leaving out no details of his corny-horny texts and love rants. Having all of this happen in the span of one week, he becomes hated rapidly, and talked about behind his back.
Still unaware of the anger projected towards him he continues his foolish plot. Fortunately, he, as will probably happen the rest of his life, will not succeed.

total loser

that guy is such a T.J. wtf?

by shit? April 24, 2009

808๐Ÿ‘ 678๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really strong individual who has a large penis can make any female wet and can have sexual interactions with any female he feels like he is always the fastest and strongest in his school can never be beat in a fight always have money and usually a shooter he has a wonderful body he is very chill doesn't talk much

T.J. is a god remember that bitch

by Daddy buffcake November 16, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž