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Tactical Nuke

Yo, step up yo bitch ass Jersey Shore Jagerbombs and take on the real brotastic drink of the century: The Tactical Nuke.

A tactical nuke is a drink that will fuck you up and make you ripped up like rambo. Take 3 shots of Jager and wash that shit down with a 5-hour energy, because every true bro wants to be energetic AND wasted.

"YO did you see Brett Broski do that tactical nuke? He punched that stupid orange bitch in the face right after it!"

by Brett Broski February 23, 2010

20👍 49👎

Tactical Nuke

When a guy has an epic jizz either in his pants or with a girl.
When a fountain of jizz come out of your penis.

Guy 1:So..what happened between you and you know who last nite?
Guy 2:Well...we went back to my place and i showed her what happens when I get a tactical nuke.
Guy 1:....Woah..so howed that go?
Guy 2:Ask her shes stuck on the celing.

Also the scene from scary movie 1 when they finially have sex.

by blonde69 November 13, 2011

5👍 12👎

Tactical Nuke

When the Arab kid on your bus threatens to eat your family

Mom: How was your ride home sweetie?
Son: I got hit with a tactical nuke don't talk about it

by O H P A P A December 4, 2019

1👍 1👎

tactical nuke

if a player gets a tactical nuke in modern warfare 2, that player and or his/her team will win.

OMFG we got a tactical nuke.
look at those 2 noobs tactical nuke boosting in the corner of the bushes with there tactical insertions.

by noobtoob January 20, 2010

45👍 40👎

Tactical Nuke

A nuke, which is tactical. It is a meme, and after it is announced that a tactical nuke is incoming, there is a loud siren.

Guy: Tactical Nuke! INCOMING!
Guy 2: Where?
Guy: Right there! Don't you hear the siren...


by banana overlord February 7, 2022

Tactical nuke

Gankplank full AD Crit Used Barrel!
You lose as a full Tank and Armor

These are some pieces of SH*T,a friendly Tactical Nuke helps you with counting numberz

by GPMain November 20, 2017