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Tad - Totally Awesome Dude
Tad is really rad and such a sweet guy
he can get anyone he wants but he settled for a random girl he barely knew anything about, he’s handsome all around a great person to be around he’s very kind and caring and will make you feel very welcomed <3 he’s gentle with his words and will make sure you feel loved

Everybody deserves a Tad (Totally Awesome Dude)
when you do read this I adore you my love <3

Tad is so Rad, the ladies love him (especially me <3)

by your_wa1fu March 16, 2021

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The meaning of this word dates back to the 1500's when all the famous kings jesters were retarded and the king got tired of this word so he shortened it to tad.

Make sure my Jester is a tad this time.

by Tad Lord May 9, 2009

19πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


1: Name, Polish or Eastern European origin. Short for Tadous. English translation is Ted

2: a non-descriminate measurement, usually refering to a very small fraction of a whole (under the given circumstance)

1: Hey Tad. lookin sharp

2: Just throw in a tad more

by Andrew_BC_smoke February 4, 2010

11πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


He is an absolutely adorable femboy, has an amazing smile, great posing, and just an adorable face. Is a very funny person and even when the jokes don't land they make you laugh anyway and just become 10x cuter. Is bisexual I think but is still cis tho. Also someone is guaranteed to have huge crush on him. Will downplay himself and put themselves down but will openly and nicely accept any compliment you toss his way, for he deserves all the love. Also commonly enjoys singing and I believe should invest in that joy more and join some sort of chorus thing. Any person who has a modicum of common sense should know that Tad is a cute fuck and deserves all the love.

BlueSlimeBoi: Tad is actually so fucking cute.
Everyone: I know right???

by December 7, 2020

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A douche bag who invented the "Cunt Punt" to torture innocent women, constantly plays with himself, and does anything annoying to get attention. Deep down, all he really wants is a dick in his mouth, since his is amazingly tiny.

If I were a Tad I'd just become a woman.

by The Cunt Punt Victim February 7, 2010

11πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


The ability to take a dick

T= take
A= A
D= Dick

hey the girl is hot, she could probably Tad

by Vinsin22 August 9, 2009

7πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Tad = A shortening for a pedophile

person 1- Bro i just saw a Tad!
person2- what???
person1- a pedophile Tad is a shorter version for it

by ZenuwuO July 6, 2021

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž