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Usually used when referring to the modes of communication used when a telephone call or meeting person would be far more beneficial and human like.

TEMs (tm Simeon Adams)

I am not one for TEMs when it comes to internet dating as I have never got to truly know someone this way, you need to talk face to face or at the very least over the phone to begin to know someone.

by Simeon Adams February 12, 2017

21👍 4👎


A condition whose full form is Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire Syndrome.

The diagnosis was first made by John Steinbeck when he said, "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

Symptoms include, but are not limited to, simping for million and billion dollar companies without any incentive, believing in the ability to pick oneself up by the bootstraps in spite of repeated failures to do so, writing off poor and homeless people as lazy regardless of context, believing in the Just World Phenomenon, and believing in pure meritocracy.

Current treatment plans are based around in-depth study of sociology, history, and economics.

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire Syndrome (TEMS)? If so, you may be entitled to sociological, historical, and economic education. TEMS is known to have victimized working class people for over a century, and has halted upward mobility and welfare of the general public. We can help you find treatment and a cure.

by akuwardmoments August 9, 2022


hes a type of person to pull boys and girls hes very quiet and can be weird sometimes but overall hes a nice person

a gay boy love tem

by dadmommy1231245135 February 4, 2022

tem bbal

A player who has items higher level than their own.

That noob is a tem bbal, he has the blade of the fire goddess.

by The Folo King April 10, 2017

Daddy Tem-Geist

A Tem-Geist, but one that is daddy af. Possible fuccboi material. Be prepared to get a boner or wet pussy upon encountering one.

Person A: "Oh my god have you seen that guy? He migh tlook up Tem porn all day but I want him to have my children!"

Person B: "He is a total Daddy Tem-Geist!"

by Doustthouevenderp May 6, 2017


A British guy that spends everyday looking up tem porn.

That guy is a Tem-Geist.

by RageMan64 May 1, 2017

2👍 19👎


T/E Middle School... what a place. You start off happy and healthy. You leave mid-emo phase, unknowingly about to get addicted to vaping.

The girls are irritating and weirdly sporty. The boys are straight up dicks, and not the good kind. Everyone is at least mildly depressed.

But don’t worry, things only get worse in Conestoga.

The Urban Dictionary page for TEMS has been empty for so long. I thought I might as well fix that. There’s something already for T/E Middle though.

See T/E Middle, it’s a very accurate description of tems

by Oopdoopoop May 27, 2021