Source Code


skynet... this military campaign was originally created by the American air force to manage and supervise all of the nuclear arsnal housed by the united states. in 1997 skynet became self aware & saw the threat that its creators would eventually shut it down & re-route a new upgraded system. in response to its future fate the skynet mainframe launched its nuclear weapons on all the appointed & targeted countries there-by destroying major cities & killing nearly the entire human race & erasing there existance. after the attack the human survivors were being killed off by terminators, endoskeletons created to eliminate any human survivors. the T-1 was the first machine to be launched from the war as were the small airbourne HK's (HUNTER KILLERS). the primary job of the T-1 was to hunt down the humans on the ground where as the AHK's were to assasinate humans from the air. after time GEN. John Connor formed a human resistance to fight against the machines to reclaim there right to live. the resistance fought for three decades & effectively was known as TECH-COM.

by Aaron Holmes October 21, 2003

27๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term that was built by Dr Doofenschmirtz

Ahh, Perry the Platypus, I reveal to you the terminator!

by Telshak7648 June 2, 2019


Best film ever!

Fowk u arswhole!

by mike May 30, 2003

22๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone whose job is to assign names to things. Commonly confused with a robot from the future, but that interpretation is wrong because:
term: a name for something
-ator: one who does
terminator- one who assigns names to things

person 1- what's your job
person 2 - I'm a terminator
person 1 - so you're a robot from the future that kills people?
person 2 - no, I assign names to things
person 1 - that's not what that means
person 2 - uh, I would know. Who's the terminator here?

by Mike J Litoris December 9, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


When notifying fellow clunge lovers of clear and present clunge approaching of the big boob & big booty curvy variety, whilst at the same time indicating some excellent boobage movement.

Often followed by the theme tune of

'dsh dsh dsh dsh dsh,
dsh dsh dsh dsh dsh'

boobs approaching...Terminator

'dsh dsh dsh dsh dsh'

both look up and notice the excellent boobage/booty heading this way

by Wingnut1982 February 15, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The coolest robot ever.

That robot is hard 24/7! I wish I was hard 24/7!

by Anonymous November 4, 2003

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A robot, made to kill for a certain purpose.

In the film 'Terminator' a terminator is sent back in time to make sure that a certain person is killed so they cannot do the unwanted in the futre.

by Robert Wagstaff January 26, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž