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the low point of something, when things can't get any worse

also use "abysmal" as an adjective in the same context

"Today was the abyss. I lost my job, my car broke down, and I fell down and got a broken nose."


"Today was abysmal. I lost my job, my car broke down, and I fell down and got a broken nose."

by Brian in Albany January 16, 2006

74๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A bottomless dark hole into hell

2) A character on he ps2, gc, xbox game Soul Calibur 3

1) fuck i lost in YUGIOH and im goin down the big ass abyss

2) fuck my random ass character got pwn'd by Abyss

by thundrstryke September 14, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for complete and utter failure, or noob. An Abyssal is generally really bad at spelling and says things completely out of context to try to forward himself but in the end makes himself look like a tit.

Dude that guy is such an abyssal

Man that guy is acting like such an abyss

by iissuperawesome May 5, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dark setting where males look for females on a similar level of intoxication as them. There is often music playing. Upon entering the abyss one might start to grind with a random girl and then proceed to hook up with her. Ideally no names or words would be exchanged. It is very easy to get with many girls of low quality in one night. Due to the darkness and drunken state it is hard to judge the attractiveness of the females which can lead to mistakes. The abyss defines the saying quantity over quality.

P.S. Watch out for monsters.

Dude 1: I saw you in the abyss last night at the frat party hooking up with a random girl.

Dude 2: I know she was so hot right.

Dude 1: Out of ten she was at best a 3, did you get her name?
Dude 2: Naw dude its the abyss that's not allowed.

by Abyss Creature November 2, 2011

50๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most emo word ever. Abyss grew up as a charming young boy, used only to describe deep pits that you would rather not fall into. However, as time progressed, Abyss began to associate with more "hardcore" words. He also began wearing Tokio Hotel T-shirts and dying his hair black. This is presumed to be a result of his parents' troubled relationship when he was young. He is frequently seen with his friends "Deep", "Pitiful", "Sad", "Hopeless", "Despair", "Cut", "Blood", and "Dark". If you see Abyss, it is best to ignore him, as he loathes human attention and will likely only depress you.

The hole in my chest where my heart rested is now a dark abyss.

My soul is a deep abyss.

Life is an abysmal hole of pain.

by \\Iron// March 7, 2010

65๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hell, Hades, The Pit, Tartarus, etc.

Oh, thank you...you have brought me from the abyss...

by Leiko October 6, 2004

31๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


A deep part of the ocean that is illuminated by bioluminescence

The abyss is glowing

by Biddyllama January 13, 2019