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An abbreviation for "good character(s)". It refers to a person or persons who is/are extremely interesting. Good characters do not always have to be your friend; as a matter of fact, they are often seen as complete jokes to you and your friends. GC's are usually invited to parties to enhance the quality of the pictures that will be taken and uploaded to facebook.

"Is Eric coming to the party this afternoon? He's such a GC"

"I went to the Berkshire Apartments and hung out with some GC's. I can't wait to show you the pics"

"Joe got his certification as a reverend over the internet. He drinks whiskey every day and believes he's fighting for the Confederacy in the Civil War. GC!"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

231πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


Gay Component (with capital letters), everyone is a little gay, even Clint Eastwood is 1-2% gay, it's getting more obvious in his old age.

Usually people come out of closet when their GC hits 50%

Man, Carl has cried during the speech, his GC is acting up, he is at 25%

by Pseudonyme1 May 22, 2017

73πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


A good cunt.

Someone who did something good or nice.

person A: he gave me the last wicked wing from his kfc bucket.
person B: what a gc.

by stankbear September 21, 2021

61πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


A shortened version of General Chirpsing Skills, that was coined by the badass youth of Hackney, London.

If a boy is chatting up a girl and his friends see they may state 'GCS'

Dude how did you get that girl?" "I've Been working on my GCS

by Hackney yout' January 31, 2011

34πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Derives from Toronto slang, G.C means (girl clown) a guy who consistenly starts to act funny around girls to gain their attention.

I hate when Trayvon acts like a GC when we’re with Tamika and her friends

by Maximus O’Neil November 24, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Good Cunt booty

ur a GC

by jp76483509275984327593275 September 21, 2008

160πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž


Good Cunt

Jay: Did you fuck Jess last night?

Bob: Yea! I gave that bitch ass to mouth.

Jay: GC.

by bigoldirtyslut December 27, 2011

104πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž