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grocery store

A slang term for a girlfriend, fiance or wife

Hey did you see that?? That guy tried getting into my grocery store

by Canadian_Beef_24 August 17, 2009

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Grandmom's Grocery Store

When you go to your grandmothers house, and get all the shit you need... for free!!

Example: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Bread, Milk, Cheese, Spaghettio's, Garbage Bags, Oreo's, Cereal, Pasta, Tuna Fish.

Anything she has that would benefit you.

We need toilet paper, lets go to Grandmom's Grocery Store.

by Jameson Moonshine January 1, 2012

Grocery Store Feet

(Noun): When the bottom of someones feet are black like they've been walking bare-foot on a dirty grocery store floor.

Normally found on white people's feet because they have light skin and it is more noticeable, but is not limited to other ethnicity's feet.

Guy 1: Damn does she ever wear shoes?!
Guy 2: It don't look like it. She got grocery store feet!

by capnkev April 10, 2009

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grocery store etiquette

self explanatory

keep your fucking cart away from the cold case so I can get to it, you idiot!
keep the strait jacket on your crotch fruit!! -control the 'howling' and running wild, arms flailing!!!
don't stop in the MIDDLE of an aisle or pedestrian walkway to 'ponder' -get fucking moving!
-get fucking moving, period!!! this includes haggling over two cents from a fucking coupon!! (-yah, but the circular says....)

laura mcfoolsis thought it was all about her, she had no concept of grocery store etiquette!!

by michael foolsley December 8, 2009

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grocery store feet

crusty, dirty, ashy feet. looks like you've been walking barefoot across a dirty parking lot all day.

"Girllllll.... did you see that skank walk up in the club last night?? She had grocery store feet!!"

by hotlips May 3, 2006

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Grocery store illiterate

When someone is told to get a specific item at the store and they come back with something totally wrong/different/random.

Or, when one cannot find a very simple and/or easily displayed item at the grocery store.

I asked Brian to get green chiles for my taco salad and the fool came back with hormel chili in a can, he is so grocery store illiterate.

"Excuse me, where are the candy bars?" -brian

"In the checkout line, where they always are. Are you grocery store illiterate or something?" -store employee

by Caityj August 27, 2013

grocery store song

A term referencing the kinds of songs typically heard in grocery stores, gas stations, and hair salons across America.

"Dude, Breathe by Faith Hill is totally a grocery store song."

"I'm getting so sick of 1000 Miles by Vanessa Carlton, it's one of the worst grocery store songs out there."

"Dude, Breathe by Faith Hill is totally a grocery store song."

"I'm getting so sick of 1000 Miles by Vanessa Carlton, it's one of the worst grocery store songs out there."

by Rockandrock44 July 6, 2014