Source Code

Holy Grail

the completion of the following sex acts during one day between a committed couple:
anal sex
oral sex

its purpose to promote wholesomeness through varied expressions of intimacy between two persons

Gabrielle: wanna Holy Grail this weekend?
Mark: oh yes, that sounds wonderful. we do have some weekend plans, though.
Gabrielle: yeah, true, we'll have to work those plans around Holy Grailing.
Mark: we always do!

by a. fort December 3, 2011

301πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž

Holy Grail

A Version of the Slovakian Traffic Cone (STC) in which before the mixture is β€œpooped” the person with the laxatives (the β€œvessel” in this specific case) is blessed by a priest, bishop, archbishop, cardinal, pope, pastor, monk, nun, or deacon.

β€œI need a priest to do a Holy Grail.”

by Musty Musk Man November 23, 2022

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Holy Grail

A cup. That's it, it's just a cup.

Holy crap! It's just a cup!

by Orgle July 27, 2005

375πŸ‘ 380πŸ‘Ž

Holy Grail

South Korean mommy milker milf whos DTF and doesn't want anything serious.

Dude, i found the holy grail.

Your telling me you found a South Korean mommy milker milf whos DTF and doesn't want anything serious.

by judgedeath01 May 25, 2021

Holy Grail

The Holy Grail, also seen in the movie, Indiana Jones and the last crusade. Near the end of the movie while lost inside a maze from hell inside a mountain, at the core of the underground lair we find a room full of cups, some beautiful some not so great. Nonetheless, one of them is the grail. He who drinks from the correct Cup (Grail), will have ever lasting life! Although, he who drinks from the wrong cup will shrivel into a really tacky looking skeleton, and then be blown away by some random wind no one knows's where it came from but, regardless it is there temporarily.

The following example is not from the afforementioned movie though, it is from the Monty Python movie... my fav part :

When trying to find the Holy Grail, the quest was abruptly stopped at the bridge to oblivion!

What is the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow in spring?

Well I dont know that !!!!


by DJNR8 February 20, 2007

87πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž

holy grail

The Holy Grail is the tomb of Mary Magdalene and the Sangreal documents, which prove that she was Jesus Christ's wife and that he was a father.
This theory is discussed in the books Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code.

The Holy Grail is not a cup, but rather a metaphor for something much more important.

by Malorie April 15, 2006

108πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž

Holy grail

1. A used 1-liter bottle cut in half to be used as a drinking instrument. Primarily to be used in consuming alchohlic beverages.

1. Fletch: Hey, would you guys mind if I poured some of my soda into a glass?

Tony: No can do man, dishwasher's broken, gunna have to build yourself a holy grail.

by TFree December 27, 2010

72πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž