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The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games, a game for when two players fight to go as far as they can to get with a girl at a social event such as a party or kickback. There are only 2 rules to playing and winnin, With also many acceptions.

1) There must only be 2 players and 1 prize(that being the girl) For if more players were to join there would be too much competition and ruin the game and make the girl feel smother. Also there must be a penalty fouler (that being an unattractive girl who would bring someone down a level.) If The penalty fouler hits on or does any type of action with a player, the player loses a point.
2) In order to win a player must have more points then the other player to win. A player gains points by having successful actions with the prize. If a player goes all the way by having sex with the prize, then that player automatically wins. A player can lose points by only hitting on or been hit on by the penalty fouler.

1)"Dude Im gonna get with her and your not, so let the Hungr Games begin!"
2)"lets play the hungr games tonight, the prize will be Jasmine and the penalty fouler can be Katherine."
3) "Aye bro, I'm a little hungry. So let the hunger Games begin"

by WestJoe64 April 1, 2012

23๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Hunger Games

A three-part book series where twenty-four children are trapped in a hostile arena-like outdoor setting for the entertainment of fancy rich people in a place called the Capitol. Oh, and, while in that arena you are supposed to kill in the most brutal of ways and the last murderer standing wins.(: Ages ranging from twelve to eighteen, they are drawn by lottery to come to the Capitol - to be paraded around and pampered - then are sent to the place where twenty-three kids will die, and one will win for that year.

I don't know what's more disturbing about these books. #1.) The fact the author wrote about children killing children. #2.) They are all pampered and adored and then are shipped away to be slaughtered by one another. #3.) This is for the YA (young adult) reading range. #4.) How popular they are and how they glamorize murder.

Hunger Games Fan: I am soooo smart b/c i LOVE the Hunger Games!!!!!11

Normal Person: How could you love a book so much that basically promotes murder and involves kids killing other kids?

Hunger Games Fan: whtevr!!! You just don't understand theyre AMAZING!!!!!!!! so amazing they're for young ppl like me;p

Katniss Everdeen on Katniss Everdeen's Winning the Hunger Games TWICE: I shouldn't be alive, I shouldn't be alive. But, shit, am I glad I am!

Katniss on Being a Mockingjay and a Girl on Fire: It's hard at times. But, you know, as the symbol of only a book-long's rebellion - I gotta be strong and look tough, even though I barely did squat in the arena.

Peeta Mellark on Katniss Everdeen: I love her. I once had a crush on her, but now I'm sure I love her. What some bread? No? A cake it is, then.

Gale Hawthorne on Katniss Everdeen: She's f*cking awesome! She's going to kick some Tribute ASS! *after Games* I'm so disappointed!

by JillValentine_RE5 October 1, 2011

71๐Ÿ‘ 362๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hunger Games

An Amazing book that Teenage girls obsess over because it isamazing. People are saying they are Fans when they have just seen the film when they dont really know what is happing!

It is NOT TWILIGHT! If you remove the Love Triangle from Twilight its a story about a girl who moves and it rains alot. You remove the love Triangle from Hunger Games and its about a girl who fights in the Hunger Games and Saves the country of Panem from the Hunger Games


Teacher: Everyone there is a test today
Me: The odds are NOT in my favour

Worst Enemy: I went watching Hunger Games Yesterday it was AMAZING I am like the NUMBER ONE FAN
Me: So tell me who Madge Undersee is!
Worst Enermy:...

by HungerGames13 April 27, 2012

179๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hunger Games

A book, with a movie coming out in March 2012.

It is about a girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in the remains of the United States after years of drought, famine, and war. The government, (the Capitol,) is totally corrupt, and sends 24 children from 12 to 18 into a gruesome deathmatch. Katniss totally goes apeshit in the arena with Peeta, a baker's son, and I don't wanna give to much away.

If you haven't read the trilogy.. do it now.

Person1: Arent you excited to watch the last Twilight movie?

Person2: Yah, right, Hunger Games is the way to go. Katniss kicks ass!!

by purplehippopillowpet November 15, 2011

648๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hunger Games

The hunger games is set in the not-too-distant future, North America is divided into districts 1-12 and the Capitol. The twelve districts ar run by the capital and president snow, each year a boy and girl (aged 12 to 18) from each of the twelve districts are picked to fight in something called the hunger games. The hunger games is a tournament where the 24 children are put into an arena and have to fight each other to the death, the last remaining, "tribute" are they are called, is winner and get a parade, food, medicine, a house and other thing for his/her family.

The story revolves around a 16 year old girl named Katniss, the tributes and picked in a draw each year, each girl and boys name goes in for it, Katniss and her younger sister Prim are both in the draw, Prim's name is called and Katniss volunteers to take her place, also a boy name Peetas name is called and there are both in the tournament. It's a awesome book series that sadly some idiots think it's next Twilight. The Hunger Games is NOT like Twilight. First off Katniss is a strong and brave female character unlike Twilight's main character Bella. Second of all although the Hunger Games does have romance in it it's not all about that and is more focused on surviving the Hunger Games. And last but not least the plot in the book is actually good. So please do not say it's the next twilight.If any thing it's the next Harry Potter.

Guy 1: Are you excited for the Hunger Games movie?
Guy 2:No way! It's just the next Twilight.
Guy 1:Do you even know what it's about?

by RandomPerson999 March 4, 2012

142๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

the hunger games

truly fantastic book by suzanne collins, set in the future. heroine katniss everdeen takes her sister prim's place in being chocsen by the cruel and sadistic Capital, to participate in the hunger games, a fight to the death between two teenagers from each of the 13 "districts". the last survivor is the winner, and there can only be 1 winner. she is joined by Peeta,the bakers son in her "district". Lionsgate films have bought the rights to make a movie.

Anna; what's the best book you've read this year?
Me; um, obviously the hunger games! it's futuristic, but not just for sci-fi fans, you'd love it, i'll lend it to you-
Anna;well, you were right about twilight

by senfen278 April 5, 2009

891๐Ÿ‘ 386๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hunger Games

a.The first book of an epic series.
b.The name of the series.
c.A movie that is coming out March 23, 2012.

Me:Have you seen The Hunger Games?


Me:Have you read the book.

Friend:Only the first chapters cuz i think it sucked.

(Tons of people hear and they beat him up.)

Me:I just won free tickets for life! Who wants to see Hunger games?!

Crowd: ME!!!

by Hunger Games Fan #1 February 8, 2012

307๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž