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Ringtone Trauma

The severe feelings of anxiety someone develops from their alarm clock ringtone.

Often this anxiety is triggered when the person hears their alarm tone during normal day hours. Upon hearing the ringtone, the person usually feels disturbed or in need to quickly silence the phone as it brings about torturous feelings of being disturbed from a peaceful sleep.

Nathan: "What happened to your phone?"
Kelly: "My alarm clock ringtone went off during lunch by accident and I got a serious case of Ringtone Trauma so I threw it at the wall"
Nathan: "Are you ok?"

by just like honey March 16, 2014

Ringtone DJ

A person who shuffles through all their ringtones, one after another, annoying the people around them. You can yell at them, but they don't stop.

Jordan: Hey, Ringtone DJ, I don't wanna hear your tones. Stop showing off, jackass.

Ringtone DJ: Hey, do you like this one? It's "I Wanna 1-2-1 With You"

by Margaret Sevenjhazi July 7, 2004

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ringtone rapper

1. Hook-centric one-hit wonders who get famous off of one shitty, catchy, boastful song that everyone likes to listen to when they're drunk, high, or a combination of both. They sell more ringtones than albums, are proud of it, and then usually disappear within a couple of months. After that they can be seen walking around the mall hoping they'll be recognized. Parking lot pimping, indeed.

2. Souja Boy, Mims, J-Kwon, Flo Rida, Rich Boy, etc.

1. Did you hear that new song "Play-Dough" by Lil' Money Getta? It goes like, "You gay, ho. Bitch, gimme my Play-Dough." That shit is sooooooo tight. I'm gonna make it my ringtone.

Fuck Lil' Money Getta. He's a ringtone rapper.

2. I saw that nigga Mims trying to hustle his new album in the 7-11 parking lot, talkin' 'bout, "All I ask for is a ten dollar donation."

by Jeffrey T January 12, 2008

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dirty ringtone

when you shove your cellphone (on vibrate) up a girls ass while calling it, and fucking her pussy doggy style.

Yea the batteries went out on her dildo so I gave her a dirty ringtone.

by bendstringz August 13, 2010

ringtone rap

the shitty new pop/hip hop that floods the radio. Ringtone rap is any of the singles from non-talented rappers such as d4l, mims, dem franchize boyz, huey and any of the other so-called rappers that all sound alike. Most often heard as tool-ass teenagers' cellphone ringtones, or on the radio for two weeks every other song. songs like this are the reason i smoke cigarettes.

amber: OmFg GuRLLL I hEaRd DiZz HaWtTt JoInT on DuH RaDiO gUrL iTzZ cAlLeD dIs Iz WhY iM hOt GuRl!!
katie: DaAaAaAmN gUrL iZz GoOd! LeTs DrIvE aRoUnD oUr SuBuRbAn ToWn PlAyInG iT rLy LoUd!!

sensible person: if you bitches play that ringtone rap around me i'll kill you both.

by froobinator August 25, 2007

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A frequently occurring phenomenon now that real songs are often used with cellular phones, taking the place of the antiquated "ringing" sound.

Ringtone-itis occurs when a favorite song is chosen to be someone's ringtone, but after months of hearing it when receiving a call, that person cannot stand to hear the song anywhere (on the radio, iPod, CD). A once-beloved song is now taboo. And the worst part is, you did it to yourself.

You- "Dude, I LOVE "Heartless" by Kanye! I'm so gonna make that my ringtone!"

4 months later.........

You again- "Dude, if I hear that song one more time I am going to punch someone in the face, I am that enraged by my once-beloved song."

A wise friend- "Sounds like a case of Ringtone-itis to me. The cure? Change your ringtone, man."

(And the sick cycle begins again)

by UrbaneScholar June 5, 2009

Ringtone Rapper

A recording artist whose marketing strategies have de-emphasized the use of creative storytelling and clever rhymes in favor of duplicating the success of "what is hot" hence creating a lack of variety for selling singles as ringtones.

A recording artist who has drained credibility and creativity out of a once-vibrant genre of music with emphasis on "gangsta" attitudes, explicit lyrics, tales of street life and conspicuous consumption. The audience of which is now educated as to such lifestyles and has grown weary to the culture of the rap industry's use of such lifestyles throughout the years for commercialism.

A ringtone rapper sells more ringtones than copies of albums.

by H Paul August 25, 2007

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