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#Stolen Valor

In addition to the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 (Federal law), Stolen Valor (Urban Dictionary) also encompasses the flaunting of prior peacetime military service (by way of hat/cap or other military garb), in order to obtain undeserved social benefits and/or in order to seek admiration, act cool, or be macho. Example: When a prior peacetime service member contracts a serious, sometimes-fatal disease, caused by prior intravenous, illicit drug use and thereafter that service member deceitfully obtains disability benefits from the U.S. Government and later uses a "Disabled Vet" license plate in order to park in handicapped spaces, when that individual's physical limitations are not impaired whatsoever.

Just another case of a parking thief using #Stolen Valor when nothing is wrong with them. A simple case of #Stolen Valor, urban style. He/she is just using #Stolen Valor to get in front of the others. If it were not for his/her #Stolen Valor, he/she would have to wait like the rest of us.

by Unstoppable Karma September 21, 2019

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Stolen bike

noun. A bike that someone with no job and no money has taken from someone else, claiming it for themselves. Usually found being ridden by a hobo, or in the garage of a a marijuana grow-op in a shitty one horse town.

The Fuzz found my motherfucking stolen bike in the garage of some stupid nigger's grow op in Pemberton BC

by sdkhgas March 26, 2006

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Stolen moments

The time when you leave aside work and other daily routines to do something you really care.

Babe, can I steal a hug from you?

But we are meeting for a lunch date tomorrow !

Babe, it won't be a stolen moment if I am not stealing .... And be able to hug you is definitely the best type of stolen moments

by Babe01! June 15, 2017

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Stolen Moments

A part of time set aside for a treasured activity. Should not be free or available and consequently is a short period of time that has been "stolen" from the previous activity.

As they were both so busy they only shared a few stolen moments.

by JC1232 May 17, 2009

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Stolen Black

The act of stealing back an item that was stolen from you by the person you stole it from

I stole vinnies longboard and the next day he stole it back. what he didnt know is that as of last night, it was stolen black

by ethan_ohyeamyhomie May 28, 2013

stolen booty


Bitch was riding my dick but afterwards called the cops and claimed "stolen booty". Cost me $14K to clear my name.

by Scott Free October 22, 2013

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Stolen meme

when you make a meme that is fire as fuck, and you post it on a social media site and someone saves it or screenshots it and posts it saying it was their meme.

Me: Did you see Alex's meme? It was funny as shit!
Dan: That was my meme! I made that!
Me: stolen meme.....

by ahhhhhhmemes March 1, 2017

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