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Theory is the most beautiful girl on the face of the earth. When people see her walk by they think, “Damn I wish I could be with her.” No matter what their sexuality is. Everyone needs a theory in their life. She is the life of the party and is loved by everyone.

Oh my, there goes theory. I wish she would be my girlfriend

by Lil.peep.. March 4, 2019

11👍 23👎


When a girls personality and looks are so good you forget about your surroundings


by Cozy and Mbreezy November 27, 2018

2👍 12👎

stiven theory

stiven theory \ˈstī-vənˈthē-ə-rē\
A series of theories, sometimes presented as facts, of Mr. Stiven that (a)explain historical events or (b)predict future ones.

Stiven Theory: Gorbachev was really a CIA agent who was sent by the U.S. to sabotage the Soviet Union.

Stiven Theory: The next World War will be over water. China will win.

feel free to add more

by isthismypseudonym? February 2, 2009

Crumbadat Theory

Kissing up to a hot girl in an attempt to get a “crumbadat” pussy

Hot Girl: Hey everyone, I sincerely apologize for kicking my dog in my latest video..
Guy 1: It’s okay, I totally understand. You’re great!
Guy 2: According to Crumbadat Theory, it looks like you’re tryna get a crumbadat pussy dude

by buysideandspeedystock August 23, 2019

408👍 11👎

Shmeal Theory

The next big theory in science. Newton's Laws? Nah. Einstein's Laws? Nah. PewDiePie's Laws? Nah. This theory will go down in history, trust.

History Student: "Ayo teach! I got a question for you."
Teacher: "Yeah, what's your question bud?"
History Student: "What came first, the brother or the egg?"
Teacher: "The stepbrother."
History Student: "How'd you know?!?!"
Teacher: "I took AP Shmeal Theory back in my day."
History Student: "Ayyyyyyyyyy Shmeal Theory on the rise 😎."
Teacher: "Yessir! 😎"

by Lead Bud 123 May 23, 2021

Wilkinson Theory

The theory is that any girl with the name Avery will end up being pretty. If she is not pretty she will end up having a glow up because her name is Avery.

“That girl Avery had a HUGE glow up. She’s the definition of Wilkinson theory.”

by Thy birthgiver January 19, 2021

Beaver theory

The scientific explanation that explains how every building block in this universe is a beaver. This phenomenon is called the the beaver theory.

Another famous theory is that every living organism a beaver is but we don't know because our brain blocks it.

Prof: make sure you learn beaver theory by tomorrow!
Student: Ok beaver!!!!!

by Eliasisnotgay October 11, 2020