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The boys

A group of boys who like to spend a lot of time with each other. They like to fish a lot. If they have girlfriends they often like to put the boys first.

Hey babe. I’m going out to go fishing with the boys

by Idek.. June 21, 2019

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

The boys

The boys is a brotherhood, and amazing thing, if you’re bored you can hop on Call of duty with the boys and have some fun, the boys are not limited to your friends anyone that is in the world renown group called β€œthe boys” is a part of the brotherhood.

A - β€œI’m gonna get on Cod”

B - β€œbet, lets get the boysβ€œ

by Alt girl eliminator October 26, 2020

47πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

The boys

A group of incels that thinks r4pe jokes are funny

Ugh The boys are at it again

by Gabe itch5 September 19, 2020

94πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

The boys

The group of boys at every high school who always are together smoking Mary Jane and not dealing with peoples shit

Melissa: Who are the boys?
Greg: The boys are the highest

by NoNutNovemberPolice November 26, 2019

The boys

The boys are a bunch of virgins who are obsessed with gay people for some reason

β€œOh no β€˜the boys’ found my tiktok of me supporting pride”
β€œThe boys are all gay and have orgys”

by Oobrooboobnoob February 13, 2021

17πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

The boys

A boy who is usually the age 12-17 who acts like a child and praises Donald trump and uses the same β€œdishwasher” β€œRAW” β€œTRUMP 2020” β€œβ„οΈβ€œ β€œ For the boys” β€œok social reject” catchphrases 24/7.

Alt girl: KAM
The boys: RAW
Me: both of you stfu

by daddywifuobama December 14, 2020

10πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

The boys

insecure conservative white boys who think being racist, misogynistic, and homophobic is funny.

Typically these swarms of incels stay on TikTok and jerk each other off to their unfunny "dark humor"

Most of this occurs from not getting enough attention as a child, not getting any pussy whatsoever, or not having any friends

Oh, and they all worship Ben Shaprio unironically

Hey, that guy is sitting at the lunch table alone

Don't talk to him, he's part of "the boys"

by LilMinecraftGamers January 21, 2021

38πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž