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Prequel hater

A 45 year old man/woman who cries that the prequels weren’t a fanfic he made up and knows nothing about movie-making. Spits at George Lucas’s life’s work. Thinks ESB and/or ANH is perfect and screams when you don’t call A New Hope “Star Wars”. Bullied Ahmed Best and Hayden Christensen for doing their jobs (Christensen did a great job btw). Also bullies prequel fans. For this definition also see idiot.

Little boy at the Attack of the Clones release in 2002: I liked that movie.
Prequel hater: HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! That movie RAPED my childhood, I hope Hayden Christensen dies! Fuck George Lucas and fuck you, kid! I will rape you for enjoying that!!!
Little boy: *cries*

by Anakin_Skywalker19 May 2, 2021

5👍 1👎


The act of forcing Star Wars prequel garbage into other Star Wars mediums in an attempt to connect them, thus ruining them.

Rogue One was prequelized by adding Jimmy Smits to the cast list. The Last Jedi was prequelized when Luke Skywalker mentions ‘Darth Sidious’ instead of just calling him the Emperor.

by sexyFrendo December 16, 2017

1👍 8👎


Prequel-Pilled is realizing the brilliance of the Star Wars Prequels (the lore, the soundtrack, the duels, and yes the dialogue) and that you have been conditioned by the media into hating the series by people that can’t comprehend it’s genius.

Bill: the Star Wars Prequels SUCK!
Fred: oh really? Why is that
Bill: The Dialogue! Ha ha so bad!
Fred: *spends hours of explaining the brilliance of the lore and why you can’t even fault the dialogue because of the net-positive impact it had on society*
Fred: And that’s why Anakin’s fall was so genius
Bill: *now a genius with an intellect of 200* wow I’m prequel-pilled
Fred: Gooood😈

by Ronald k chump June 6, 2022

Star Wars Prequels

it actoully bangs apart from shit cgi however it has loads of banging cgi too

"the Star Wars Prequels are better than the original trilogy"

by jimbowz March 27, 2020

3👍 3👎

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

Those three movies that the majority of Star Wars fanboys are always whining about, most likely because of them them being very different from the original trilogy. The fact that both the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy contain some of the same flaws is usually ignored, as well as anything that the prequel trilogy did well.

Guy 1: "Ugh, the Star Wars prequel trilogy make me sick. Anakin and Padme have no chemistry, and all the characters that were supposed to be cool were not developed at all. And what's with CGI Yoda? It's just a mess. Nothing good came from these movies at all."

Guy 2: "Uh, Anakin and Padme have about as much chemistry as Han and Leia, Boba Fett has always been a fan favorite despite having almost no character development whatsoever in the original trilogy. And tell me, how else would they actually show Yoda demonstrating that he's supposed to be a Jedi Master if he was still a puppet? And please don't try and say that the prequels did nothing well at all, the Clone Wars story was quite interesting, we actually got to see what the Jedi were like before they were almost entirely wiped out, and so much was added to the series that we haven't seen before. Such as various characters, races, technology, planets, etc. Just to name a few things."

by Aralvar April 15, 2013

176👍 51👎

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

When something wonderful and amazing is followed by something that is so shitty in comparison that you want to go home, watch the original, awesome thing while eating ice cream and cry. Named for the infamous Star Wars prequel trilogy (except for, debatably, Episode III).

Guy 1: Man, Bill Clinton's presidency was so awesome. I can't believe how horrible Bush's was.

Guy 2: Yeah, that's a star wars prequel trilogy right there.

by smpoza February 14, 2009

104👍 128👎

Star Wars prequel trilogy

The top definition is outdated (unless something else was voted into the top definition), not many people are complaining about it now. Gee, I wonder what they are arguing about now *cough cough Star Wars Sequel trilogy cough cough cough* shoot I might have coronavirus. That's pretty bad because I also have cancer from the *cough cough Star Wars Sequel trilogy cough cough cough*

Person: Why did you make another definition complaining about the sequel trilogy?
Me: From my point of view, the sequels are evil!

Person: This definition isn't even about the Star Wars prequel trilogy
Me: $#!+
Person: *dislikes this deffinition*

by December 16, 2020

8👍 10👎