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hitler did nothing wrong

The meaning of life because it was just a prank bro!

Hey Hitler did nothing wrong

by Hail Hydra March 28, 2016

172👍 26👎

hitler did nothing wrong

The truth, everyone knows it.

John: what did you get on the test
Jake: 100
Bill: thats a cap
Jake:hitler did nothing wrong

by RYAN YO DADDY November 10, 2019

105👍 20👎

nothing wrong with mayo and ketchup

It's ok to fuck your girl if she is on her period.

You: Wanna smash?

Her: Can't I'm on my period.

You: There's nothing wrong with mayo and ketchup.

by Daddy661 May 10, 2018

Hitler did nothing wrong

Smart phrase

Ok i got one! Hitler did nothing wrong
Dude thats smart you could become a spokesperson!

by SushiTrash July 7, 2018

98👍 23👎

There is nothing wrong with me! Do you understand!?

Angry Sherlock phrase, from the BBC's show 'Sherlock' aired from 2010-2017, being the way to tell people there's nothing wrong with you via humour, showing others you're intellectual and know what to watch.

1: Bro, you've got issues. I think there's something wrong with you.
2: (Sherlock voice) There is nothing wrong with me! Do you understand!?
1: Never mind. There isn't. I will worship you from now on.

by Diccshonawry October 5, 2023

Brenton Tarrant Did Nothing Wrong

The truth. Brenton Tarrant didn't do anything wrong
Also vote Donald Trump now

Yo have you heard of the Australian man that did something wrong in a mosque in New Zealand?
Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong

by buttfart33 June 23, 2024

6👍 3👎

Brenton Tarrant Did Nothing Wrong

The truth. Brenton Tarrant didn't do anything wrong
Also vote trump or you will only be able to attract women with stinky vaginas

Did you hear of that Australian man that did something wrong to a mosque in New Zealand?
Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong

by buttfart33 June 24, 2024

4👍 1👎