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Thomas is a very unique person. Usually could be described as an "extroverted introvert" he is very social, but way more talkative around his friends. Thomas typically has secrets and by looking at him, you'd think he was so innocent, but really he has a whole backstory. He is such an incredible person who will always listen to you, and when you feel alone he will comfort you. He has the best advice ever, and knows exactly what to say. He is very good looking, and super funny. Although, he could be going through a lot he never fails to make you smile. He could laugh at the smallest things, but his laugh is so care free and warm you just can't help but to join in. He is one of the sweetest guys you may ever meet, he doesn't care what or who you are, he'll accept you and bring out the best in you. He fills the room with happiness and seeing him smile makes you feel so amazing. If you are friends with a Thomas, keep them, because that is one of the literal best people you'll ever meet.

Girl 1: Is that Thomas?
Girl 2: Yeah he's pretty amazing.


28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Thomas is the greatest boyfriend that anyone could ever ask for. He is the sweetest person and would never leave your side. Thomas is a best friend as well as someone who you can fall in love with instantly. He's not any average guy, he actually cares, and listens. Once you have him, you won't ever want to let him go, you'll want him to be in your arms forever. And if you do, don't let him go, it would be the worst mistake you would ever make.

Thomas M. G. You are the love of my life. I love you so much. <3 Five ever and 3 1/2 weeks.

by Satan If You Satan, Satan. January 15, 2013

2024πŸ‘ 549πŸ‘Ž


The Perfect Guy. He is everything you could ever want. clever, funny, understanding .. and yet mysterious. He can be paranoid and has trust issues but one day the right person will come along and she will be the one he decides to open up to. He is everything most girls would ever want and even though he doesnt think of himself as amazing or lovely ... he is so much better than what he sees in himself. you just fall head over heals for him.

girl - he is perfect
boy - he must be called thomas

by bobshiggle April 22, 2011

1092πŸ‘ 296πŸ‘Ž


Total fucking badass. Gets pussy by the boat load. The name is a synonym for pussy destroyer.

Thomas just fucked my girlfriend, mom aunt grandma cousin and friend at the same time.

by Big nigga with a rocketlauncha April 9, 2018

70πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Thomas is a guy will always be by your side no matter what. He is a great listener and the most loyal friend you can ever ask for.He is a hardcore gamer, an athlete, an a comedian. Thomas can also be very annoying sometimes. He is usually not that tall, but don't let that fool you. Ladies if you're friends with a Thomas you better cuff him real quick because he's a keeper. He has pretty teeth with an attractive face to go along with them. Oh and he's named after a very famous train.

Hi Thomas you're such a great guy.

by Facts1526.org February 10, 2019

87πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Thomas is a mother fucking hot ass Music Teacher who I desperately wanna have sex with. Like I’m not even kidding. If you see a Thomas 99% of the time he’s fucking hot as hell you don’t wanna be on his bad side to get that Mendussy. Sadly he has a wife and 2 kids but he touched your fingers when you were learning to play I don’t know my name on the Ukulele, so it counts that he likes you back. He’s also really sarcastic but it’s hot when he’s sarcastic tbh.

1: Omg...our Music Teacher is so hot!
2: Yep. Must be a Thomas.

by koreanweeaboo October 19, 2018

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One is the most smartest people on the earth who will care for you forever. Thomas can be an old fanny sometimes, but if your on his good side you will see how truly amazing he is.

He is good with people, especially the ladies. Thomas is protected by many.

Id do anything to be friends with Thomas, his friends are always saying how loyal he is!

by Dorabrad October 28, 2011

150πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž