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ma throats fucked

Ma throat fucks means you have a fucking annoying sore throat and all you can say is
โ€œMa throats fuckedโ€

โ€œMa throats fuckedโ€

by Stayout March 13, 2019

Throat Fuck Thursday

The day of throating that falls every Thursday.

tft in short

Man, throat fuck Thursday was lit

by exaduration September 3, 2021

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Arizona Throat Fuck

When you're getting your dick sucked and right as you ejaculate you shove your dick further down his/her throat, causing her to throw up your cum and the other contents of her stomach.

Mary: Martha, what did you and Tom do for your birthday.

Martha: He gave me the best Arizona Throat Fuck I've ever had.

by Ole' Smoky October 23, 2018

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Double throat fuck

The act of taking two beloved items down your throat at the same time.

โ€œ Claudia loves to double throat fuck black cock as much as food.โ€

by Claudia Loves Cock November 27, 2019

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Throat-Fuck Thursday

Getting your throat pummeled the first Thursday of every month

What should we do today?
Well it is Throat-Fuck Thursday

by Gp6373 February 5, 2022

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Somalian throat fuck

The act of inserting feces in ones mouth followed by pelvic penis thrusts down ones throat.

Oh man that girl was a freak i even gave her the somalian throat fuck

by Greasyjim1015 June 22, 2018

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Throat-Fuck Thursday

Throat gets pummeled on the first Thursday of every month

What should we do?
Well it is Throat-Fuck Thursday

by Gp6373 February 5, 2022

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