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Tons Of Laughs. Much more than LOL. It's mostly used in IM, but it can also be used in a regular conversation as an interjection, if something is too good to be laughed at.

girl77 says: omg, my cat is destroying my room with a mouse toy!
some1_2: TOL

by TynaBand January 19, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (v) acronym for "turd out loud", a synonym for "shart", to shit while farting

"Veni, Vedi, Toli!" (meaning "I came, I saw, I sharted!" a quote attributed to Julius Caesar's catamite)

"Dude, I think I just tolled at the toll booth back there...that's the LAST time I eat at Taco Bell!"

by Dwokoneseus November 27, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A TRR out LOUD (TOL) is when somebody falsely describes themself. TOL's are extraordinarily common on the internet and has probably been used by You, the person reading this definition, on countless occasions. The people that TOL the most are often reffered to as in "denial" or "compulsive liars".

TRR originates from the middle east. It is said to imitate the sound of a fart being released from the human body. It is equal to the western "pff" or the more common "bullshit".

TOL: Massimo - I am a hot Italian. REALITY: Mustafa - I'm a fat, ugly asian.

TOL: Jesus - I'm currently in my gap year. REALITY: HE HAS BEEN SAYING THAT FOR 4 YEARS!!

TOL: Jose Averio - I'm Portuguese. REALITY: Ahbeembohlah - I'm Nigerian.

TOL: Sean - I work part time for a underwear modelling agency. REALITY: Bob - Overweight and works in a chippie.

by iPwn247 October 17, 2009

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TOL - Thinking Out Loud

Used when putting up ones thoughts on social media.

I hate Mondays! #TOL

by GUEST0 December 19, 2011

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Thinking of laughing. instead of laughing out loud all the time, thinking it. Coined by Tony the Wine Kone on YouTube.

princess1029: OMG ... I saw Jennifer drool in math class.

cRzYgRl321: TOL!!!

by young azn kid June 14, 2007

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Thinking Out Loud. When talking on Instant Messanger and you are typing what you are thinking, you follow it with TOL.

I think You're Ugly TOL!!

by Chris Barrett July 22, 2005

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Troll Out Loud-trolololo aloud

I asked where an at&t store is at a verison store,TOL.

by urworsthacker01 October 29, 2011

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