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If you find a Tracy your very lucky. She is loyal asf to everyone that is loyal to her and she is a freak but doesn't like to show it. When she wants something she will do anything to get it and when she loves she loves with all her heart and won't give up on someone she really cares about.

"I got a new girl," sam.

"What's her name? What's she like?," bre.

"Tracy, she is beautiful and very sweet, she always tells me how she feels and she makes me really think she cares about me," sam.

by Tracy90 March 21, 2018

955πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


If you find yourself a Tracy keep her ..

she's extremely loyal and when she loves she dedicates 100% in it..

she's cute and has a strange but funny sense of humour that not allot of people get .. and loves hugs..

She worksout.

Person 1 :That girl has guns for days ...

Person 2: she must be a Tracy!

Person 1 :OMG she's hilarious.

Person 2: she must be a Tracy

by meeemie December 3, 2016

561πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful woman in the world. She is glowing, radiating beauty, kind, loving, and classy. You will fall so hard for her and love her until the end of time. You won’t ever realize how you could love a person so deeply. You love everything about her, the good, the bad, and the ugly. She will push you to be the best you can, she will stick by you through anything, she WILL always love you. Her loyalty to you once she does fall in love, is unbeatable.

I love you, my beautiful girl Tracy.

by avaaaaaaac September 20, 2019

201πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful woman to walk the earth. Smart, funny, kind, and amazing in bed. Women want to be her, men want to have her. She is the unicorn we all seek.

Where’s my Tracie at?

by Bones1441 November 27, 2019

99πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Tracy is such a kind and beautiful girl. She loves her family and her friends. You would be so lucky to have a girl like her.

Tracy is so cute

by EmmaRayes September 22, 2018

179πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Tracie's are beautiful in every way they are nice outgoing and filled with determination
And a whole lot of love

Fuck do i love tracie

by Biggermate June 25, 2019

66πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Pretty awesome name, most commonly found in girls/women, Tracy means to be strong-willed, selfless, and brave.

Tracy will help out anybody in need.

by theresa faust February 13, 2010

809πŸ‘ 273πŸ‘Ž