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Adjective used to describe prissy, silly, whimsical people...more often than not this applies to teenage girls and their gay counterparts.

I like love it when you get all tweeny and like tell me about like serious thing and stuff like that.

by spclagntscly April 27, 2004

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one PURPLE, one BLUE, one YELLOW, and one ORANGE. Twisted versions of furry, felt and woolen 'human toddlers.' They look like fucked up multicoloured teddy bears and speak like their spastic EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE NOT!!!

1)Did you see those fucked up bits of fluff on the telly this morning? I hear they're called TWEENIES!!!

2)When somebody is ill you say that they are 'All tweenied up' cuzz they look either purple, blue, yellow or orange. Theytalk like they are spastic if they've got a throat infection and they are ALL FUCKED UP!!!

by Conner November 19, 2003

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A girl under 13 acting like a whore. Such as reveling clothes, stupid makeup, big hoop earrings and normally thinks they're sexy or so popular.

OMG! Look It's enter name Her Skirt And Top Only Just Cover Her, She Is Such A Tweenie

by Razorblade Raver May 26, 2010

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a tweenis is part male and female preferably a male cat because it doesnt have penis that hangs out but it doesnt have a vagina either so its called a tweenis half twat and half penis

paws the cat has a tweenis.
people born with both sex parts usually have a tweenis

by Chrissy1987 December 13, 2008

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Portmanteau word, made up of "tiny", "weiner", and "penis". It's an insult similar to calling someone a "dick".

Stop being such a tweenis, dude!

by Goatrider March 17, 2006

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Is someone lower than a boyfriend of girlfriend but higher than a best friend.

I have only one tweeny.

by Guy26 March 17, 2020

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Tweeny Burger

An adolescent that expresses extremely irritating qualities such as unnecessary screeching, attempting to revive dead memes, and lacking basic intelligence and maturity. These qualities can be represented through the analogy of a burger; just as many components come together to create a good burger, many irritating components coalesce to become a tweeny burger.


by Dr. John P. Bogdan February 10, 2018