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UFC is the ultimate form of fighting, but in order to really understand it you must take some necessary steps:

1. Trane UFC by wearing lots of Tap Out and Affliction tees, make sure to mean mug people while wearing such attire.
2. Order insanely price PPVs and yell at the TV as soon as a fight hits the ground (Preferred language involves the usage of the words cunt, faggot, pussy & retarded, this is how the cool kids speak so go crazy)
3. Brock Lesnar & Dana White are the baddest men on the planet, don't let anyone tell you otherwise and make sure to mean mug them if they do.
4. MMA is for sissies, UFC is where it's at (now go to the mirror and yell "AS REAL AS IT GETS BABY")
5. Learn to love catchphrases such as "OMG Mike he is ROCKED" "AND IT IS AALLL OOOVER".

Decent person: Excuse me sir, just what is this whole UFC fighting thing i keep hearing about?

Dumbass: OMG bro u dont know??? its like the most violent most awesome shit ther is like blood n shit and dana white is like DUDE YOU WANT SOME TICKETS i was like awesome yeah MAN!!!

Decent person: Right... stay off drugs young man.

by ujfhuiweiofklukkuikruiwuyewwe June 10, 2011

68๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mixed martial arts brand. A large number of UFC fans idiotically compare MMA to WWE, saying WWE is 'gay' and 'fake'. What they don't realize is that while WWE fans enjoy watching Raw & Smackdown, unless they're 9 years old, they don't at any point think any of what they're watching is real.

UFC fans that sit and laugh at WWE fans for watching a 'fake' sport are complete retards and need to learn that something doesn't have to be 'real' for it to be entertaining.

They also need to learn that being thrown around a wrestling ring by a 350lb man for 15 minutes and not sustaining any kid of injury requires a lot more skill than getting in a ring and beating another man like a Neanderthal.

Idiot 1: "Haha, Dave is watching WWE."
Idiot 2: "OMG Really?! What a fuckin' pussy! Lets go watch UFC, that's not shit and fake!"
Idiot 1: "Yeah, totally dude. Hey, did you see Die Hard 4?"
Idiot 2: "Hells yeah I did! Bruice Willis blew up a chopper with a car! It's fuckin' sweet!"

WWE Fan: "What makes you say that?"
UFC Fag: "Because they're not even hurting each other! It's fuckin' fake!"
WWE Fan: "So, you're not entertained unless you're seeing another human being pummelled? And you call WWE fans idiots?"
UFC Fag: "No but they say it's real don't they. Fuckin' posers, they couldn't win a real fight!"
WWE Fan: "Did you see Terminator 2?"
UFC Fag: "Yeah. It;'s one of my favourite films."
WWE Fan: "Well that's not real, but you found that entertaining. The actors and actresses all pretended it was real and acted as if it was actually happening and you enjoyed that. What's the difference?"

by Mirrorball91 May 17, 2011

172๐Ÿ‘ 203๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ultimate Fighting Championship

It's the most overhyped, and overrated mixed martial arts company in the world. When it had a cult following before it went mainstream it was much better: there were less rules and less bullshit grappling.

Joe: Are You going to the UFC PPV taping?
Scott: No I'm holding out for the Affliction taping

by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus May 6, 2009

185๐Ÿ‘ 269๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ultimate Faggot Championship. Two sweaty faggots without clothes touching each other on the floor very passionately for 5 minutes. Combination of Gay anf Boring.

UFC is for homosexuals.

by Greatnessneses August 27, 2009

207๐Ÿ‘ 316๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fighting promotion for trailer trash and dorks from the suburbs that think theyโ€™re badass and basically donโ€™t like boxing because it has โ€œto many African Americansโ€. A sport for low lives that canโ€™t box, human cock fighting.

Historically it was a sport for grapplers, college wrestlers often took cage fights on the side after graduation. By the early 00s a few guys started making decent money but nothing special because it was getting more popular.

Over the years the ufc got even more popular and it started attracting FAILED boxers like McGregor and Francis because by that point ufc payed โ€œgood enoughโ€ to justify a failed boxer putting in the effort to learn the mma game since a top ufc guy at least makes more than a mid/low level pro in boxing. While the competition has gotten better itโ€™s only made the moronic fans even more brazen.

Remember kids โ€œtHe bEsT sTrikErs iN uFcโ€ are amateur hour compared to actual boxers.

Matt: brah did you see the ufc card? Conor mauled that dumbass lmfao
Me: Conor is trash, he started doing mma because his boxing coach told him he wasnโ€™t going to get good enough to make it in boxing. Only rednecks should he watching ufc.

by Laughing at morons October 8, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. U.Fail.C-Word.

2. Ultimate.Fail.Club.

3. A possible typo of KFC


Girl 1: Are those guys fighting again!
Girl 2: Yeah, they're attempting to play UFC...
Girl 1: Oh I see what you mean.

#2.. (online)
Girl 1: Hey let's meet at UFC!
Girl 2: Uh, okay..
Girl 1: Oh sht, I mean KFC.

by [natalie sthoup] July 26, 2010

62๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ugly. Fat. Chick.

that fuckin' ufc cock blocked me from her smokin hot friend.

by Ranmaker October 24, 2008

94๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž