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School in texas where asians are the majority. Asians love this school because it is liberal. Liberals like gay sex, therefore, asians like gay sex. UT campus smells like big foot's dick.

1 out of 3 million asians who attend UT: "Me chinese, me go to UT, me like gay sex"

by ron burgandy the 4th April 10, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym for Upper 'Tunda, which is slang for Upper Rotunda, meaning the second level of the Rotunda of the law school, a main gathering place for students, that overlooks the LoRo, or Lower Rotunda. The UT is complete with chairs that are falling apart and dangerous to sit in, and the UT also boasts an acoustic anomaly that lets you hear with great clarity any conversation or shit talking that is going on in the LoRo.

Meet me in the UT in 5 to study
I was sitting in the UT and overheard some shit going down in the LoRo
I looked around the UT for you but didn't see you at your regular spot

by sneakylawstudent February 14, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something you say when somebody says or does something extremely stupid or tells a really stupid joke.

Person 1: You're a piglet!
Person 2: Piglet?? UT!

Person 1: You're a commom sense-impared person!
Person 2: UT!!!

by anonymous December 31, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


word for โ€œuseless thingโ€, can be used to describe a variety of things.

The way the event was organized was so UT, everything was a mess!

He was a complete UT, how did he forget to submit his assignment.

by UTWP September 11, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


utility vehicle, Australian origin

Chuck some bales on the ute!

by Candace Griffiths June 6, 2006

436๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


Under The Skin. Used as a replacement name for someone who is often annoying or has annoying tendencies.

Lloyd is often annoying or does annoying things!. He can now be called UTS instead of his real name until he no longer gets under your skin.

by Jon_Gus March 17, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


UTS is the University of Technology, Sydney - not to be mistaken for the University of Sydney. UTS is known for a few things, including:

1. Being a University without an Arts department, putting all liberal arts subjects under the banner of 'Communications' because that's more technology-centric.

2. The chant 'S.L.U.T.S' which stands for 'The Student League of UTS' - an organisation that was eventually removed by the union due to the chant.

3. Having enough breaks in every Engineering lecture so that the engineers have time to go the bar and get another drink.

4. A complete lack of internet and/or phone reception in the entire campus.

5. The Tower Building - the ugliest building in Sydney.

UTS Engineering Student 1: "I was too drunk to find the University this morning - I ended up at Haymarket campus by mistake"
UTS Engineering Student 2: "I hate it when that happens. Normally I just look for the Tower Building and use it as a beacon"
UTS Engineering Student 1: "Yeah, but it hurts my eyes"

by SykeKat May 29, 2011

32๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž