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ur mom ultra big gay

When ur mom big gay is said to you before you can say it

You: "ur mom gay"
Joe: " ur mom big gay"
You *inhales*: "ur mom ultra big gay"

by Memes247 April 4, 2018

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ultra super mega gay

they have gone above and beyond homosexuality like that's they man you see in a floral dress or the woman in jeans and a jean jacket smoking a cigarette

fuck man your ultra super mega gay

by santas pussy October 12, 2017

27๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

ultra mega super gay

The HIGHER state of being gay, there are 5 Stage's of Gay
2.big gay
3.mega gay
4.super gay
And then there's

5.ultra mega super gay

It also has an acronym USMG

Todd:Yo who's the new guy?

Tom:oh he's Tim,he's a USMG

Todd:oh no....gay.....

Tom:Yeah ultra mega super gay!

by Riri-definitions March 25, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super ultra gay deluxe ova part two the virgin inside awakens the prequel part 2

A retarded ass movie name

John: Hey do you want to watch Super ultra gay deluxe ova part two the virgin inside awakens the prequel part 2 tonight?
Smart intellectual person: No because Iโ€™m not gay

by Jrnabbhrhsx July 30, 2019

ultra super mega gay

they have gone above and beyond homosexuality like that's the man you see in a floral dress or the woman in jeans and a jean jacket smoking a cigarette

Jesus you ultra super mega gay

by nutterbutter666 June 26, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ultra Combo finish Gay

Something so gay beyond imagination and existence that hits you in all 360 directions multiple times.

Hey dude you remember that time I found that Tiny Toons adventures buster bunny hentai on your laptop? That shit was ultra Combo finish Gay and you need counseling.

by Asurasenkuu February 21, 2023

xbox big farts ultra box gay edition pride

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xbox big farts ultra box gay edition pride is pretty gay gay butt very big s3x

by GITSTP March 16, 2022

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