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hip hop collaboration of MF DOOM and Trunks.
Doom does the beats. Trunks does the rhymes.

"Last laugh" - By Unicron

by t-cA5H December 8, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Unicronical Engineering

The discipline of engineering devoted to the creation and maintenance of planet devouring transforming robots.

"What type of Eng are you in Steve?"
"Unicronical Engineering"
"Why's that?"
"Well, I mean, if I wanted to be a pussy, I GUESS I could go into mechanical, but I'm not."

by Sandwich_Hata October 27, 2006


The Cybertronian equivalent of the devil

Oh no itโ€™s Unicron!

by GrandMasterG1985 April 28, 2022