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Urban Dictionary Editors

Faggots who never publish my definitions because they're mad that I'm right. They probably jack off to My Hero Academia Porn on a daily basis and scratch their balls and cum before they touch their food.

Gay faggot: *Sees my definition*
Also gay faggot: *Deletes definition*
Still gay faggot: *Sees another definition that talks about why autism comes from vaccines and publishes it*
Finally gay faggot: It feels good to lose brain cells by being out out of many autistic Urban Dictionary Editors :D

by MyGlockHard April 22, 2020

75๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editors

Retards who publish pornographic, offensive definitions, and then turn down a beautiful definition of my wife's name that was in no way offensive or sexually perverted.

"Those guys are such urban dictionary editors"

by DaKine1981 February 3, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editors

Douchebag pricks that only publish stupid definitions of gross and disgusting things instead of things that actually have meaning.


Person 1: Oh you sent a definition entry to Urban Dictionary?
Person 2: Yeah, I'm really excited for it to get published!
Person 1: Oh don't get your hopes up, unless it's about ejaculations or girls pole dancing in the most whimsical ways, it won't get published.
Person 2: Oh, I doubt it!
~~~~~~THE NEXT DAY~~~~~~
Person 2: Wow! They really didn't publish it!
Person 1: Those damn Urban Dictionary Editors! We should start a boycott!

by SUKMIBAWLZ April 1, 2013

Urban Dictionary Editors

The Editors of the Urban Dictionary Website. They shift through allot of proposed words, most of which are racist, sexist,sexually demeaning, disgusting, personal agenda's, pathetic, stupid, and just flat out retarded words, just to select a few good words.

like any other free editor service, there are editors who allow the sick twisted, nonsense words that populate the pages of the website, but this can also be blamed at the vagueness and low amount of specific rules, common sense, good judgement, and overall stupidity of those people who try to post their words.

Person 1: dude, this is bullshit. my banging word never went onto the website, those damn Urban Dictionary Editors, and to think that a word like Duse would get posted.

Person 2: Give them a break bro, just imagine all the shit they gotta put up with.

by Tony015 November 22, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editors

The people who decide whether the submitted words and definitions are accepted or not. For some reason, an unusually large amount of them accept definitions that violate guidelines, yet reject those that do not. And all the other definitions of this word insult the editors, so I won't do that. In fact, the editors like to mess with people who don't like that their definitions were rejected and accept the ones they made that are rage-filled and bet that they won't be accepted. I'm not stupid like the others, so I won't be insulting the editors, since it'll make me look stupid when I say that I bet this definition will be rejected the the UD editors, yet you're reading it in the definitions list.

The Urban Dictionary editors are trolls, for the most part. Some are honest and take their duty seriously, though. Good job to those who do. And for those who don't, try to take it more seriously.

by KingAnonymous February 26, 2018

Urban Dictionary Editors

Complete assholes who don't publish your definition because they get butthurt

Those urban dictionary editors cant take a joke

by Kraken's secret lover December 10, 2016

Urban Dictionary Editors

A bunch of assholes who don't accept definitions unless they're crude, crudely funny, or really fucking boring.

Urban Dictionary Editors are a bunch of idiot 13 year old boys. Y'all bore me.

by OSgirl15 January 2, 2014