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Hotter than the sun.

Vars is sexy as fuck; it's no wonder that Nuck rams him in the ass every day.

by Flailfire February 25, 2021


A very kind, sweet girl. Her voice is like soft, calming music. Her eyes are like an ocean, deep, and you get so lost in them easily. Oh and that smile, so beautiful. It's like seeing a puppy, you get so happy and cheerful. Every minute u spend with her, is treasurable to you. If you ever get a person named Var, never let them go, they are the best thing you'll ever get in your life.

girl:she's so pretty and kind, isn't her name var ?

by ilovemygfvar October 16, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a vehical that looks like a cross over between a car and a van

"Look at that yellow var!"

by mandyz941b November 7, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that is of elite status; something that's more than 'tuff'.

Pronounced (Varse)
(Titties are vars)

Guy 1: "Yo did you go to Astroworld?"
Guy 2: "Yeah that shit was vars. Shit was crazy."

by CashMoneyKurwa December 2, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


(pronounced: Vair-red)
To leave someone on read, especially at the most unconventional moments.

"So how was your day? <3"
*Read: 3 days ago*

"Oh my god, he just var-read me."
"Really?? You should dump him."

by KEONFUCIUS February 13, 2017

Var Borsikian

An amazing girl with a guy whose head over heels for her.

Gustavo loves Var Borsikian

by Jesustheonegod September 28, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Si cled var

To not understand the science of sussy imposter in the real world of the night in the slums

I did not Si cled var when I saw the crusty figure.

by YoSoyDaisy Moreno y bajo January 20, 2022