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One Of these fellons who new to the game

Jamie Unwin is a vagrant

by Kris Hughes June 21, 2003

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A visual effect that blurs the screen caused by the N-Bomb or fists in the video game Perfect Dark for the N64. The effect originates in the game vagrant story but is most used in games that allow the player to inflict this status onto another player in deathmatch.

During a death match game in Perfect Dark

Dustin: Haha I just picked up the N-Bomb!

Nick: Hell no! You better not vagrant me!

Nick is hit by the N-Bomb

Dustin: You just got vagranted bitch!!

by ManotornsPrim February 10, 2014


A man who wakes up in the morning after a heavy drinking session, to find himself laying on the footpath in socks and sandals.

'Mummy, why is that man throwing up in the gutter?' 'Leave him, his a dirty vagrant!'

by The_President March 20, 2004

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vagrant juice

Triple Meaning:

1) The juice that a vagrant drinks. Typically in a brown paper bag.

2) A slurry created by blending up a selection of vagrants.

3) The opaque fluid that vagrants excrete when excited.

1) "Pass me that there vagrant juice, gulp."

2) "Add more vagrant, the vagrant juice doesn't taste quite right."

3) "Hey, you just got hit by vagrant juice man!"

by The Vagrant February 16, 2008

Spicy Vagrant

Adds a new school twist to the classic Hot Carl / Hot Carlos. Step 1. Eat large, spicy ethnic meal (use Ethiopian or Kenyan food for best results). Step 2. Find sleepy / passed out vagrant. Step 3. Gently place a sheet of saran wrap over his / her mouth. Step 4. Drop trou and lay a spicy coiler over and into the saran wrap. Step 5 (optional). If you are feeling daring and aroused, style points can be added by pushing your dick through the poop and breaking the saran wrap barrier. Step 6. Profit!

Man, did you see the hobo out side the office this morning? Looks like someone pulled a "Spicy Vagrant" on him last night.

Damn, I feel terrible today, I passed out at the party last night and someone laid a "spicy Vagrant" on me. Fuckers!

by El Guappo June 11, 2009

Vomit of vagrants

A group of vagrants consisting of 3 or more individuals. Also know as a Mange of hobos.

There was a vomit of vagrants passed out next to the community centre.

by djshok October 17, 2011

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Vagrant Chic

Term referring to person embracing the the casual vagrant look as a fashion statement. Heavily influenced by the homeless dwellers of the city in question. Quite popular in various parts of downtown New York City (Lower East Side etc.), Williamsburg. Its recently gained popularity in certain areas of London (Bermondsey, Brixton, Camden).

Have you seen those LSE students? They look so Vagrant Chic! I wonder where they shop.

How does he pull off the vagrant chic look so well?

by RSkittles March 31, 2011