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/vision-ear/ (noun). A human pioneer on a lifelong journey of self discovery to create the best vision and version of themselves.

Visioneers are human explorers who will do what it takes to discover themselves and create the best vision they have for their lives.

They want to become the best humans they can be, which will make the world a better place.

A Visioneer inspires others, and encourages them to join in on this mission of self-discovery so that they can be the best version of themselves.

They observe and listen to themselves and others to truly understand, not to respond.

A Visioneer's Voyage will allow them to create the ultimate vision of their life which will bring them peace, clarity, joy, love and contentment for their entire life.

A Visioneer is a new breed of human that knows the importance of investing in themselves so that they can be the best version of who they truly are.

Visioneers know that if they completely love, accept and are happy within themselves, that others will feel the same way about them.

They follow their heart. They make a positive impact on the world. They use their gifts and honour their calling.

Visioneers love and respect themselves, they exude love and joy and this makes their energy very attractive for others to be around.

"The Visioneer really has her whole life planned out!"

by PakMag November 15, 2019

the vision

Noun. The collective insight of trends and understanding of pop culture. Refered to as the plan to achieve underground buzz and mainstream success as some sort of creative artist.

"I fuck with the vision fam, I'm tryna build"

by gowa March 30, 2017

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1; to be able to see through the eye 2; to recieve some kind of messege through images or text, most of the time while someone is sleeping, daydreaming, or unaware of his consciousness 3; extremely talented cs player, by the name of John Randles

1; the boy had good vision
2; the boy recieved a vision
3; vision just took down the whole team

by Johnny Randles December 3, 2003

44๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Visioned is basically your teacher watching your activities on a PC with a program called Vision. It basically allows teachers to see what students are doing on their computers without them knowing. They will eventually take control over your PC making you embarrassed and soon enough peers will know about it and ridicule you for it.

Also, Visioned is used when a teacher "demos" all the computers in the room/network so you can see a random picture or the teachers desktop. You cannot control your computer beyond this point and you're forced to look at the teachers desktop activities.

Teacher: Please, don't play games on these computers.

*Teacher walks away*

Student: I'm going to play Solitaire!

*Teacher watches him through Vision*

Student: Oh no, you took over my computer. Visioned!

Other students: Haha, you got visioned!

by infemeth March 3, 2007


A $10,000 buzzword used to make useless pamphlets seem extremely sophisticated and important.

A combination of the words envisioning and engeneering.

Hood College: visioneering our future.

by Agent Orange November 10, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The ability to detect and understand light.
2. A product of imagination esp. relating to the future.
3. An object or person the sight of which produces pleasure.

The sudden sunlight temporarily stole my vision.

Yoda had a vision than Anakin would bring balance to the Force.

Elena was such a vision she took my breath away every time I looked upon her.

by vicariance August 29, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


a powerful and fat red grape with a rock in his head

vision looks like a red grape

by midget power August 5, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž