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The Webb Schools

A small private boarding school in Claremont California where the majority of your tuition goes to inane things like golf carts, pointless swivel-chair desks, and unnecessary fancy Porta Potties. A place with selling points like the Alf Museum to mask the amount of stress/pressure students face. A place where literally everyone has a leadership role to get into a good college, but who are we kidding, only like 2 people get into the Ivy League schools. A place with decent food, if you like chicken. A place that believes in second chances until you bring alcohol or drugs into the mix. A place that prides itself on being a school of diversity, when in reality, all the faculty are white and the students are β€˜diverse’ if you count the 1000 asian races. A place that claims to believe in stress & mental health, but just rents boba trucks until people stop talking about it. A place that has breaks every six weeks to avoid burn-out potential. A place where everyone hooks up when they can find time. A place where kids are forced to mature extremely quickly because otherwise there is no possible way of keeping up with the 6 hrs of hw per night. A place where getting A's is celebrated, but a B is failing. Where the average ACT score is a 31 because everyone secretly hires Test Prep Gurus. A place that only voices liberal opinions but claims to represent all political beliefs. A place where you'll find the best and worst people you'll ever meet. Oh and did I mention, no one sleeps?

college admissions officer 1: "So this student's record looks great... except they got a suspension once for taking an Uber?!"

college admissions officer 2: "They must be from The Webb Schools!"

college admissions officer 1: "Yikes, his ACT score is a 29 and he took only 6 AP's... Let's wait-list him!"

by BSboiii April 10, 2017

104πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Suzanne Webb

A drunk, old indian who lives in a shack in Port au Port. She had her face beat in by a deaf mute, because she doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

What's that thing staggering across the road?

Don't worry, it's just Suzanne Webb.

by ardvark77 October 30, 2009

401πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Rhys Webb

Paisley wearing bassist for The Horrors
Has the best on stage dance known to bands
and is known to type in ALL CAPITALS, and only comes online to promote Cave Club
In interview never lets anyone else speak, and has a bitch stare known to kill
Also sings in side projects Heavy Bunny and The Diddlers

girl 1: Oh my god who's that bass player
girl 2: That's Rhys Webb
girl 1: why is he staring at me like that?

by thathorrorgirl February 16, 2012

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Webb Institute

A school of naval architecture and marine engineering located on the north shore of Long Island, NY in the United States. The 90-or-so students of "The Institute" undergo a rigerous four year education wherein all external friends are lost and life outside of schoolwork becomes non-existant. Due to the lack of female counterparts, the men at Webb Institute will gladly hook up with women of questionable appearance. While attending, symptoms of alcoholism, depression, insanity, and temporal lobe malfunction may affect students in varying degrees of magnitude. After graduation, students generally loose symptoms and gain a grip on the real world, while leading a kick ass life designing boats.

Hey Betty, wanna drink with those "Webbies" at Webb Institute? I hear they will do just about anything!

by db97 March 11, 2009

59πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

bradie webb

drummer for aussie band short stack. also a sexy piece of work with a hot smile. he also likes spiderman

saw short stack play, bradie webb looked hotter than spongebob nude

by hayleybabeyo April 20, 2009

186πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

marlon webb


Something bout you gurl #ripvine #marlon webb

by Djzf February 8, 2018

Webb White

One who loves spinach salad after it has been well preserved for 3 weeks. Skilled in the art of locking his door. Also known for his ability to look left, right, then left again before turning.


by Check Yes February 25, 2004