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Fart Weirder

A insult used when one is cornered and has absolutely nowhere else to turn. Often compared to black magic, due to its negative affects on both the victim and the wielder. These affects can range from entirely unnoticeable and harmless to catastrophic and world changing. It is commonly believed among historians that Adolf Hitler was conceived after a nearby doctor muttered the words at a fellow peer. Banned in most European/Middle Eastern countries.

Wielder: Hey, fuck you buddy. You're a fart weirder.
*The Sun advances 5 billion years in age and expansion*
*Victim suffers a stroke and dies painfully*
*Wielder is erased from this timeline and a vending machine replaces him in everyone's memories*

by Jome Son of Nazketh October 20, 2019

Weirder Things

A tv show starring high school students who face a wicked teacher and their journey to taking her down!

Did you watch the last episode of Weirder Things?

by aMisfit May 15, 2018


It’s weird but if it’s more weird

Wow that joke was weirder than your last one!

by Tapooop May 7, 2021