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Well shit in my hat and stamp on it

Expression of surprise and disbelief.

"Well shit in my hat and stamp on it! Tigers can swim after all!"

by scruffbag December 7, 2006

24👍 6👎

Well, shit in my mouth and call me your sister

An sarcastic exclamation that can be used in a variety of ways. Usually used to to emphasize how glaringly obvious something that has been said is.

A: I had to go to school yesterday.
B: Well, shit in my mouth and call me your sister - student's going to school? Really?

by DarkLite January 17, 2007

24👍 3👎

Well Fuck Your Shit

An indignant response to some form of rejection, often said while walking away. When used online, an image macro of a guy in a striped outfit is used.

Snoot: Hey! No surfing Urban Dictionary in this cyber cafe!

Dude: Well fuck your shit! I'll find a place where I can!

by Nunuv Yabizness March 7, 2011

6👍 2👎

Well I’ll Be Shit and Dabbled in it

Southern Origin. Something you may hear Old Folks say when something doesn’t go right. It is comparing your actions and the situation to playing with your own feces, because they are both unproductive.

Granny: We have to go straight!
Me: Yeah, but this lane is turning only! We have to turn!
Granny: Well I’ll be shit and dabbled in it!

by SpecklemyFreckle April 3, 2020

well done shit

Unironic non-fetish art of your favorite male character crossdressing.

“I just drew some art of Ichigo Kurosaki wearing a cute-ass 2000s outfit I saw on Pinterest. Damn, that’s some well done shit.”

by Cattenbleegh June 1, 2024

well then shit

The realization of a fatal error after numerous attempts at solving a problem have been exhausted. Whereas all solutions were well planned, none of them worked. Sometimes used in contraction form: “well’n shit!!”

(Handyman): “We’ve tried six times now to get this toilet unclogged, and nothing seems to work.”
(Toilet Owner): “Well then shit!!”
(Handyman): “I could do that if the toilet actually worked...”

by danktle September 6, 2020


It is used when a person online or in-person says something stupid and/or idiotic and creates a chain of people hating on the original commenter for their terrible comment. Most of the times the original commenter deletes their comment due to the hate. (Shit-well refers to a 'water-well' (the comments) getting infested with shit comments.

YouTube video: "Tips and Tricks on how to Speed up Game Performance"
Commenter: "You said this would help me?!?! My intel i2 still doesn't work at GTA V!!!"
Replies to commenter: "Geez, maybe upgrade you're CPU?"

"Do you even have a GPU?!?!"

"Did this person graduate high school?"

"Thanks 'commenter' for creating a shit-well...

by Metalikz July 1, 2021