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westlake whore

A funky looking blonde from Westlake Texas that has sex with anyone at anytime for anything. She is dry, cheap, loose and rank smelling. Think twice and turn on the lights!

Amber is a Westlake whore!

by Westlake Cutie December 26, 2016

90πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Westlake Cumdumpster

A last resort scrodum dumpster located in The Villas on Lake Travis. It's open 24hours a day, 7 days a week to anyone.

Amber is a Westlake cumdumpster!

by Westlake Lady V December 19, 2016

Nolan Westlake

The most homielicious homie a guy could ask for. Is always mega cute.

Hey look! That cutie right there is Nolan Westlake, the most homielicious homie out there!

by Scott Crem November 29, 2018

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Westlake Village

A small town about 25 minutes from Santa Monica and Los Angeles. When asked where they are from, residents often quickly respond, "LA" though traveling to Los Angeles for any event is unheard of. Westlake lies on the edges of Oak Park and Agoura Hills, (home to the beginnings of HOOBASTANK and HELLOGOODBYE) yet considered a part of Thousand Oaks and sometimes referred to as "The Village" to those with ghetto tendencies. Yet this town is anything but ghetto, in fact it is known to be home to rich "upper class" soccer moms with boobs harder than the men they turn on. However, the good news is; at least Westlake mothers tend to actually HAVE money.. you can tell by their teenage gym bodies and facelifts that they paid thousands of dollars for to look like crap. However, as boring as "The Village" may be, it is indeed a serene, happy location. Once home to Will Smith, Jessica Simpson, and Daryl Hannah. Currently home to Tom Selleck, Heather Locklear, Denise Richards, and a homeless woman with a blonde wig.

Kait: "There's a party in Simi Valley tonight, wanna go?"
Billy: "To SLIMI valley? No man, we're already in Westlake Village, let's just stay here."
Justin: "You guys are from Westlake? Where is that exactly?"
Kait: "LA"
Justin: "Oh really? Well my cousin is having a party in LA tonight.. wanna go?"
Billy: "Nah, it's too far."

by L.Bow January 28, 2009

149πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Westlake village

Possibly the most expensive yet boring place ever with snobby rich kids at every corner with skaters who think their as tough as nails yet know theyd never go near a real ghetto, often coming in many sizes, they come in 2 variations 1) tall, rich, skater, crappy rapper.
2) small, rich, skater, crappy singer.
Both are inept and as equally likely to do drugs and be left behind by scociety because of their ignorances, but hey the girls are hot ;-))

"Omg you hear about what haplened in westlake village"'
"Whats a westlake village?? Sounds like a rich snobby town"

by DudefromLA July 6, 2016

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Westlake Village

A town 10 minutes from Malibu where everyone is filthy rich and live in cookie-cutter homes and come from perfect families.
There is always drama which is funny because there really is never anything to do.

Snobby kids come from Westlake Village.

by anonymoussss anony. October 5, 2006

233πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

westlake academy

A white hick school in northern Texas where the the two things you see more than white people are cows and wasps.

If you are black or mexican, it is likely that you will be one of the two in your graduating class.

Student A: You go to Westlake Academy? Isn’t it a difficult IB ( international Baccalaureate) school where everyone drops out after the first semester of DP (diploma program) ?
Student B: Most of the time. But it’s more known for its abundance of cows and wasps.

by pissedoffchic101 June 23, 2018

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž