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wibbly wobbly water stoppy

Slang for a plug used in a sink.

"Oi where's the wibbly wobbly water stoppy? I need to do the dishes"

by bobbyb1739 April 18, 2019

Wibbly Wobbly Web

A phrase used by seniors and middle-aged men to describe the Intertubes.

Use of this phrase is generally considered an indicator that the person using it is attempting to appear hip while really out-of-touch with the zeitgeist.

In the UK the phrase has gained widespread popularity among many readers of The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Star and the Express. And therefore those using the phrase are often chastised for their old-fogeyness.

Foo: "I was surfing the Wibbly Wobbly Web the other day and the most beautiful hem sown curtains."

Bar: "Dude!! No! Just No!"

by tteeler April 12, 2009

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Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

When the writers of Doctor Who are too lazy to write plot points.

β€œIt’s like a big ball of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey… stuff.”

by Mangleelgnam December 31, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Wibble Wobble

Wibble Wobbling is the technique of jerking off with your feet

Friend 1: Hey bro ya wanna go wibble wobble

Friend 2: Always my boy

by April 12, 2022

Wibble Wobble

Wibble Wobbling is the technique of jerking off with your feet

Friend 1: Hey bro ya wanna go wibble wobble

Friend 2: Always my boy

by April 12, 2022

The Wibble Wobble

A certain dance a drunk guy does at a bar when he wants to get the attention of a sober female. Usually this dance does not work.

Look at that guy! This rockin’ the wibble wobble!

by LittleRune April 11, 2020

Wibble Wobbling

When an overweight person, with an excessive amount of neck fat offers an unwanted or unwarranted opinion about another person in a negative way.

Billy was wibble wobbling about Eric last night.

by Chopperdog February 24, 2023