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Will, also known as A.J has DNA straight from God. He has Brilliance way beyond his years and knows practically everything there is to know on earth and in all other dimensions that are and ever were. He can make anything and fix everything. Will is a timeless soul like a vampire or something immortal. When Will goes out in public men stare in jealousy or run to his assistance. Women stare, breathlessly, wet and wishing. He is so tall and built like a God. Naturally fit and muscular with perfect brown hair. When Will has his eyes on a girl, all he has to do is look at her with that irresistible, sexy smile and his sparkling, green glittering eyes that without fail will pull any girl to her knees begging to be enslaved. When you talk to Will it’s like you are in a dream a different dimension and the world as you know it is no longer. Time stops. Like the matrix. Will controls time and can keep you in his world as long as he wants you there and he will get you addicted to the feeling he gives you so much that you’ll end up leaving everything you’ve ever known just to stay in his force field, high on his existence. With Will time flies by and you won’t even know it because you’re just in awe of his magic. Will invented magic. He himself is a phenomenon! If you meet a Will you should study his every move and observe his way because he is the way, the truth and the light. And where there is a Will there is a way. He is the Will to survive. Will is Life.

Where there’s a Will there’s a way. Will is the way.

by Stargirl94 June 22, 2018

88👍 32👎


Black Hair
Dreamy Brown Eyes
Super Hot
Shy Nice Crazy Outgoing

Will is The best.

by cheyguyloveswhey February 21, 2015

12👍 4👎


The definition of true, raw, real love. His voice as soft and as sweet as the wind when it passes by as the sun sets. His hair is soft and yet strong, because his constant thoughts and analyzation of the world around him makes his hair darker and stronger. His cheeks are plush and prominent, because of how much he smiles. His smile warms the hearts around him, especially mine. But his mind, his mind is wise, mature, his mind is a world of compassion, empathy and is open to all the things that is around him. He is to share his love to the world, to teach others a new light of the world, to spread his positive light and be the change the world should have. The shine in his eyes resemble an old soul, a path to true happiness if you look into them deep enough. Youre amazing will. youre good at games too stud

"man that dude is a will, id tap that"
"a hole is a hole"

by GayBabyOrgy September 26, 2017

32👍 10👎


Meaning: protector
He is always there for you. Caring, thoughtful, loving, always looking out for you. He loves to please, is super sweet, and will do anything to make those he loves happy. He won't let you down. He is an accomplished bassist and clarinetist. Loves to play with knifes, but only hurts himself occasionally because he is skilled at knife-flipping. Loves explosions like most members of the male gender. Has a great sense of humor and is very charming. Those of the "Will-type" are usually extremely cute. Girls will fall head over heels for him. They make great boyfriends since they know how to treat a lady the best. You would have to be a fool to let go of someone this special.

I was really down, but Will cheered me up and made me feel special again. I love him so much!

by Micaela64 July 22, 2010

271👍 127👎


a special type of man that is hard to find. very handsome, intelligent and above all caring. Always takes the time to make sure you are ok and will show genuine interest in you and your life. Willing to help at any point and wants what is best for you. He is very open and will love you for who you are and not be afraid to show it.

You can always tell when he is worried/anxious/hungry when he goes quiet and has a certain look on his face. His eyes give his feelings and thoughts straight away.

Great body, extremely talented, highly entertaining, witty, and great in bed. A best friend that is loved and will never be forgotten.

he's a will type of man

by duvetlove February 28, 2015

82👍 33👎


Short for William, Amazing, Green eyes, Brown hair, cute smile.
Knows how to hold you just right, will make you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Loves to sit in the grass and look at the sky. Will do anything for you, if he thinks it'll be for the best . Would never purposefully hurt you. Will always make you smile even when they're not around sometime you'll just stop and think about them and it'll make you smile. Always smells great, a football player, very buff. But quite a flirt, only thing you need to watch out for is his flirtyness.

Don't ever let him go, if you have him hold on forever, you'll never find another like him. He's perfect.

wow he's perfect, must be a will

by thinkaboutit♥ February 11, 2011

48👍 17👎


Will is the latin term for never ending sexiness. This particular man, altough he was passed up for the god of hair products twice, has been voted People Weekly's Sexiest man alive 39 times, tying with Brad Pitt. Although usually nomadic, he is currently setteled in Newport Beach, due to his preference to warm climate. He joined a nudist colony in April, because he felt tan lines were unflattering. Will does not attend school or have any hobbies;
he devotes his time to his looks, trying to become as sexy as humanly possible. His followers have devoted many petitions to him, and he even has gotten nominated for pope but unfortunatly the cardinals found out about the....indescretions..... So in the name of the almost pope, completely gorgeous almost god, lets all get naked.

Will is a sexy beast

by Only a loyal Follower September 15, 2008

298👍 143👎