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Will & Grace

a television show that for no apparent reason gets high ratings. not the least bit funny. the jokes on this show seem to be written by senile 75 year olds.

i laughed when watching will & grace, but that's because my brother farted when i was watching.

by RayH January 16, 2004

53πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž

Will & Grace

when someone constantly nags and complains.

yo bitch. you gettin all Will and Grace on me again!

by op July 2, 2004

23πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


Grace, a beautiful, intelligent, gentle, sarcastic, brave, annoying, hysterical, just an all around glorious person. They have the best smile and best advice ever. Supportive and caring. Easy going. Grace is friends with anyone and will support you 100% in any decision you make.

"Honestly, Grace is too much but just enough at the same time. She is great."

by TommyDaToast April 10, 2020

4541πŸ‘ 357πŸ‘Ž


a sweet and kind girl makes every one happy even when she is sad and is easy to foll for

dude 1. bro i think im in love with her
dude 2. well ya she is a grace

dude 3. i like her to

by leah faith April 7, 2020

800πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Grace is a very nice person and has many friends. She gets emotional. She is loyal asf. She gets sad at times and is very pretty. She is a great friend and is very good with advice. She has great boy advice and loves to gossip. She often lacks confidence and thinks she is much worse than she is. She can be mean but it's worth it.

"Anyone with a Grace in their life is so lucky, she is such a nice person and everyone loves her"

by Potato.On.Toast May 20, 2020

1717πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž


Sweetest girl you have ever met. She is sometimes mature, but other times she acts like a 4 year old crazy child!

β€œThat girl is such a Grace!”

by caylenjuddd June 14, 2020

1669πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž


The most important person in your life even though she can get annoying,grace’s are super sweet but can get salty

Grace is beautiful

by koolkatraerae August 23, 2020

1314πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž