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A form of physical exertion typically observed after rigorous exercise. Wogging is when an individual procedes to walk but moves their upper body in such a way that it appears the individual is running.

"Tom! I said jog not wog!"
"After the workout jog your cooldown, don't wog!"

by Run5 September 24, 2016

185๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wog is a mix of the words 'water' and 'jog'. You jog in a normal jogging position, but you go slow.

Variations of WOG:
Swog: Slow water jogging.
Fwog: Fast water jogging.

"Sorry, Annabella, I need to wog with my parents for the vacation."

by Anna Mahierta August 30, 2012

106๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A form of exercise that combines walking and jogging into one workout at a moderate pace. Often exaggerated as running or downplayed as walking.

it's time to go wog my dog.

by MeidaWin June 25, 2014

132๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wump of wood

I need some more fuel for the fire. Give me a minute while I chop up this wog

by Duttbag August 9, 2019

22๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Australian slang term for someone who is from Italy or Greece.

Man 1: woah look at the Italian chick over there!
Man 2: you don't wanna fuck her mate. She's a wog!

by Alaska Rose April 23, 2017

189๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term traditionally used by Brittish people to represent non-English people, that is currently used as a name to call a "person of Western-European ethnicity and direct descent," especially in Australia.


~ Ines was born in Portugal (the most western European country), her parents were also Portuguese, she is a wog.

~ Daniella was born in Australia. BOTH of parents are Italian though, which means that she is still classified as a wog, even if she was born in a different country.

~ Philip has a mother from Greece, but a dad from India. He is not a Wog. Not even a "half-wog" No matter what the moron says. Because there is no such thing as a half-wog, due to it referencing a full racial group, not ethnicity in Australia.

"Daamn. Raquel. You love your olives, you're such a wog"
"Wog-bro's" *fist bump between kindled wog-friends*
"Yeah, I'm going to a wog-birthday now. I bet I'm gonna gain weight from all the food nonna brings!"

by The-Red-Lip May 15, 2018

120๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


The correct meaning of the word Wog in Australian culture defines people of Southern European decent. During the 1950s and 1960s many Wogs migrated from Southern Europe to Australia, predominantly to Melbourne and Sydney where the use of the word Wog was considered highly offensive. Over time, the use of the word Wog has become a term of endearment and other ethnic groups have adopted the term.

Southern European (true Wogs): Italian, Greek Maltese etc

The following ethnic groups today claim to be Wogs, but in reality can only claim the use by association:

Eastern Europeans: Croatians, Serbians, Bosnian, Polish etc
Northern Europeans: Germans, UK etc
Arabs: Lebanese, Turks etc

The use of the word Wog throughout other parts of the world varies from place to place.

1. That Wog opened a restaurant on Lygon Street.

2. You're not a Wog, you're not Southern European.

3. I was called a Wog when we first came to Australia. We got chased through Footscray and Sunshine by Skin Heads.

4. Bloody Wogs and their cars.

5. No daughter of mine will have anything to do with a Wog.

6. You love the Wog cock.

by Southern European March 15, 2012

73๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž